Quick Quote
#11 02-09-2020 
...yeah, there should be a quoted block above this. I thought I was just stupid and couldn't do it right. Blush
(27-10-2018 10:34 PM)CatherineTCJD Wrote:  Select the text you want to quote from one or more posts and press the quickquote button
But then I always forget to hi-light the text first - and can't do that ^ one right either half the time... even though, apparently, I could at one time. O.O Huh
This is a vbt, isn't it.

#12 02-09-2020 
(02-09-2020 03:04 PM)CatherineTCJD Wrote:  This is a vbt, isn't it.

I was about to ask questions about your hair color, but that wouldn't be fair because I've forgotten to highlight text regularly as well. Senior moments, I'm afraid!

#13 02-09-2020 
(02-09-2020 03:20 PM)BoilingOil Wrote:  I was about to ask questions about your hair color, but that wouldn't be fair
LOL Tongue
Red. It used to be red, anyway. Well, actually, kinda auburn, but I dyed it to bring out the red. Big Grin
So... temper to match. Don't pick a fight with me! Although... come to think of it - I used to be much feistier. That may or maynot be such a vbt?
Gotta keep my blood-pressure in check. *Geez* You're right!!! I am gettin' old!

...what were we talkin' about? Cool

#14 04-09-2020 
(02-09-2020 06:58 AM)ScaryRob Wrote:  Quick Quote and using it to quote multiple comments seems to work,
(02-09-2020 11:26 AM)ScaryRob Wrote:  Well, I can't get anything to work using the Quote button, but like you said, Quick Quote works fine, so I'll just use that, no big deal.

Double quote, because OMG, I thought I was the only one experiencing the lack of ability to quote anything. Now I'll see if I can remember how to do this next time!

#15 04-09-2020 
(04-09-2020 11:53 AM)HugeLunatic Wrote:  Now I'll see if I can remember how to do this next time!
...I'm practicing Wink
It seems to be working - the practicing helps... as I've done it right now a couple times in a row. Celebrate


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