Have to know how to write a movie critique
#1 13-10-2021 
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Hello everyone. I understand that I'm new here but I really have to know and understand how to write a movie critique For me and for my studying it's very important. I have to have a good points for this writing task. And as a result I write it here and hope to find advices here about it. Let me know if you know about this more than me.

#2 14-10-2021 
1) We're in the "Sims Discussion" forum, but this post isn't at all related to the Sims games, is it?
2) Isn't "How to write a movie critique" exactly what your link goes to, along with its "Hey, give us money and we'll teach you HOW to write a movie critique" caveat? o_O
3) This wouldn't be a less blatant sort of unsolicited advertisement, would it? O_o


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[PHP]   errorHandler->error
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File Line Function
[PHP]   errorHandler->error