My friends, the end has come...
#11 15-02-2024 
Merci beaucoup for those sweet words, my french fish, @poisson. Many thanks.

#12 16-02-2024 
Let me know when you're ready!

#13 25-02-2024 
Hi, I should be still admin's forum (for the maintenance part of the software forum etc.) but I don't have the last PIN that Lee had entered to enter the admin panel Sad so I can't do anything..

(the old forum graphics return if you use "http" instead of https)

#14 25-02-2024 
I don't even know about an admin panel, because as far as I know, I was never made an admin here.
I'm simply a moderator for the common areas. There are *some* forums here, where I have no power at all. I'm used to it, and would never ask for more. (Never been very ambitious.)

(25-02-2024 02:26 PM)noiredeb Wrote:  (the old forum graphics return if you use "http" instead of https)

True, was never converted to the more modern, safer https-standard. For me, much of doesn't work properly if I don't force http:// for this site.

#15 15-06-2024 
Updated settings and enabled HTTPS. Let me know if it doesn't work for you. Smile

#16 15-06-2024 
(25-02-2024 02:26 PM)noiredeb Wrote:  Hi, I should be still admin's forum (for the maintenance part of the software forum etc.) but I don't have the last PIN that Lee had entered to enter the admin panel Sad so I can't do anything..

(the old forum graphics return if you use "http" instead of https)

If you need it, let me know. Smile

#17 18-08-2024 
Thank you Delphy! Now it works again very well.

(I miss Lee very much Sad )

#18 24-08-2024 
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(09-02-2024 08:58 AM)BoilingOil Wrote:  The formerly unthinkable must now be thought:

I've never been in the habit of making backups. And whenever I delete a file, I *DELETE* the file; the trash bin on my computer never sees any use.
This has always served me fine, because making mistakes is also not one of my habits. I always check twice before I press the OK button. However...
At some point I must have made an unrecoverable error. Because after a thorough cleanup action, I found that the folder "My Documents / EA Games / The Sims 2" has gone AWOL..
This means that all my 'hoods folders and, more importantly, my Downloads folder, have gone to the great beyond, where no Sims live.
And with nothing in the bin and no backups, there is no way that I can ever find and bring back the tens of thousands of files that made up my Downloads folder...
So, in light of the fact that Simming had become somewhat of a rarity for me anyway, I'm not even going to try to recover from this disaster.
Therefor, after 16 years of happy simming, I must call it quits. My last Simming day is behind me.

I bid thee all 'live long and prosper'.
Permission to disembark, Captain?

I LITERALLY lost everything on my desktop last night. OneDrive hijacked me. It was my fault tho...I was on a CC spree. For some odd reason I decided to install TS4 so I could play for a bit and then attempt some recolors for my daughter to upload on her pc... Some how, I enabled Onedrive and my icons reverted to that "envelope"|.exe application "icon"... I spent a couple of hours trying to correct it.. I finally found a thread on the Microsoft website... I followed and applied each step slowly... (in my defense, my eyesight is well, when I completed the last step...OneDrive finally stopped cycling on sync but then it went into hyper deleted everything except the folders...I've spent this da re-installing my precious Simmies lol and "shopping"....

#19 06-11-2024 
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That’s rough, sorry to hear it.

#20 27-02-2025 
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Hello BO, sixteen years of work... Very sorry about that. Sometines the things are like an artistic performance... We do it and after that seem disappear. But disappear it really ? When i read the reactions posted around your post... It seem not.

An essential thing will stay for all people you helped and/or with you share the passion of modding and of this game...
It's not to me to describe it. But i see it in the words posted to you... Smile

I am a new user here since today... I will take the time as soon as possible to put some words about me on my profil. And sorry in advance for my basic english, i'm a french user. Living near the Sea in Marseille... Definitively a rebel town In France. Smile

Like i begin, may be some words here in more to present me...
I'm just arriving since few months in the sims world with the complete edition of the Sims one. Like for Freelancer i have discovered a community around this game and the creative histories that anyone can explore with some personnal mods.

So before going to the Sims 2, i want to try some additionnals mods aroud the sims one. But like i have seen, there could be some problems if these additionnal mods installed make conflicts together... So i'm here to learn all is necessary, and obtain help to select and install different mods together as right as possible in my x64 windows 7 OS.

So Bo i would ask you one thing... I'm not completly sure, but i'm remember of reading one post of you, where you explained the disagree caused by the TWO places where maxis install by defaut some elements of the game (in other words not in creating an unique folder but TWO to register the elements after the stage of the unzip the elements in the dowload folder of the game)...

Causing in example sometimes the impossibility to access on all the things downloaded in the buy mode. Like some of them have disappeared... Perhaps because the game at this moment in front of two choices where find the elements recquired, can't select the two folders in the same time...

And you explained in this post for Maxis (Or EA like you want because i speak of the editor of the sims) how to block the writing in one of these two folders and much more than that to stop the problem definitively...

Was it one post of you ? In this case does it concern the Sims one two or it is just for the sims 2 and further ?
I thought so, but i have not registered it for me when i read it the first time... And like it seemed to be be the first thing to do before beginnig to install some mods and elements... If i'm concerned, i would read it again. Smile

So even if this post wasn't your's and if you can't help me...
Thanks for all your work which contribute to rely people. Smile

Mind is Travel...


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