#91 20-09-2018 
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Yeah I have 2 adult sims but when clicking the toddler the option still doesn't appear for me. I had the one of the mothers to click on the toddler and the only option I get is talk to play with and a few others except no nursery rhyme

#92 21-09-2018 
The adult must be active (the plumbob must be over their head) and you don't touch the toddler.

When you click the adult, the option should not be "Sing nursery rhyme" but "Teach nursery rhyme to ..." and the dots would be the name of the toddler! But as far as I know, the Toddler must be able to talk, in order to learn it. Also, I believe that the toddler and the parent must like each other enough for the option to appear. So I would suggest that you have that parent play with and talk to the toddler some more to improve their relationship.

Also, if you have my mod BO - Less Toddler Annoyance, the option might not appear if the toddler is already playing with something. In a perfect world, this should only work when the parent is autonomous, but we do not live in a perfect world.

Finally, if you make the toddler active and then click him, and the option "Sing nursery rhyme" is already there, you CANNOT teach that toddler the nursery rhyme anymore, because it already knows it!

#93 25-04-2020 
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Good Evening

I hope you & your Family are safe and well during this Covid-19 Pandemic?

I am looking for someone to Convert poppet-sims Bubble Up Hot Tub for The Sims 2 to The Sims 3. I have permission from poppet-sims to Convert this Hot Tub as it Recolors from The Sims 2 Base Game Hot Tub the only change is the Lattice Work has been removed from the back.

I have added below the messages between Myself & poppet-sims to prove I have permission. This Hot Tub Measures 3 Squares by 3 Squares on the Sims Build Mode Grid which can also be seen on Image 2 which I have attached to this post.

Link to Download


Hello poppet-sims, I hope you are well? I have just found the Hot Tub you made for The Sims 2. I was just wondering if you would give me permission to get your Hot Tub to work in The Sims 3? As I need an above ground Hot Tub for a build I am doing at the moment. Kind Regards a-b-pearce



Hiya. Those were just recolours I made of a mesh that comes from the sims 2, I forget which expansion pack now, so my permission isn't needed for that. If you do want to convert the one from the game though and use my textures then that's completely fine Smile


The only thing other than the texture included with my download is a default replacement which was made by a simmer who's no longer active. The one from the game has s little lattice fence around it, the default replacement removed that


Hello poppet-sims Thank you so much for all your info and giving me Use of your Texture. If i find someone to build it I will let them know. Sadly my creative skills only go as far as Building in The Sims 3 I am unable to Mod or create Custom Content for the Game. Thank you so much once again Poppet Sims. Kind Regards a-b-pearce

Kind Regards



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