#1 03-11-2017 
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Hi ya Smile

Umm, so I have a weird question, but then I'm weird so what's new. Technically I guess I'd be new, well new here as this is my first post here. Ok, so I'm driftin way of from what I was lookin to ask.

How can I find out what email I used to sign up here?

I checked in profiles, but it didn't list it there.

#2 03-11-2017 
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Thank you to whomever might see my post here. Charity was kind enough to help me figure it out. Now that I know WHICH email I used I can go ahead and change it so I'll know for next time. Smile

#3 05-11-2017 
I should read more, oh well glad that you have it figured out.
lordtyger9, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Oct 2015.


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Warning [2] Unknown: open(/mnt/home/leefish/tmp/sess_os45rbrq292kl1vlde6bb9e9o6, O_RDWR) failed: Disk quota exceeded (122) - Line: 0 - File: Unknown PHP 5.6.40-81+0~20241224.91+debian12~1.gbp02231c (Linux)
File Line Function
[PHP]   errorHandler->error
Warning [2] Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/mnt/home/leefish/tmp) - Line: 0 - File: Unknown PHP 5.6.40-81+0~20241224.91+debian12~1.gbp02231c (Linux)
File Line Function
[PHP]   errorHandler->error