Hi, need help Origin won't launch Sims 2 game
#1 05-05-2020 
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Hello all,
I'm a 50 year old woman (married) and Sims 2 is the only game I play. I've played the game off and on for over 20 years now.
Right now I need some help and someone on a Sims 2 Facebook group recommended this group.
Last week, all of a sudden, when I went to click on the Origin version of Sims 2 Ultimate Collection, it would spin (working icon) and then just right back to the start up screen again for Origin. I have a Windows 10 computer, and had to get the Ultimate Collection from EA games (Origin) to work it (apparently) on a Windows 10 computer.
Basically last weekend, I uninstalled the Sims 2 game, 6 times, and re-installing it 6 times, finally on the 7th try I got it to start again, where it worked.

Today the game recrashed on me again. Angry the Origin gamelauncher is doing the same thing, it starts the (working icon) and it goes right back to the Origin menu again.

I miss when I had a Windows 7 computer and it would allow me to install the disks, which I have all of them. Is there anyway possible to install the game, using the disks, on a Windows 10 computer, where I can play it. And not have to rely on the "crashing" Origin game launcher.

Thanks in advance.

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#2 06-05-2020 
(*SiGh*), Well, the only REAL fix, is to get an older laptop, with Win7, and a VGA cable if you have an external monitor (optional).

Win10 SUX for playing The Sims 2. You're most likely NOT going to get TS2 playing properly for any amount of time, AND the more WinSatan updates, the further away you're gonna' get from being able to play it.

Win7Pro + ThinkPad FTW!

I recommend saving some money, and getting one of these five ThinkPads, used:

Lenovo T420/nVidia.
Lenovo T430/nVidia.
Lenovo T440p, PREFERABLY with nVidia (NOT the T440).
Lenovo W530, or W540.

ANY computer with these specs will work. The problem is, build quality. That's why I recommend a ThinkPad.

Are you "Across the Pond" somewhere? Or are you in the U.S. I can probably help either way, but it would be much easier (and cheaper) if you're in the U.S.

Sorry @BoilingOil, I know I told you I was gonna' step away from helping much, but I can't resist helping a FemSimmer in distress. Tongue
(This post was last modified: 06-05-2020 02:04 AM by Kunder.)

#3 06-05-2020 
@Kunder - that's your choice and your prerogative, man. Don't let me stop you. Besides, telling them to get a different type of computer is hardly as stressful as the other avenue of support. I dig that, brother!

Right on!


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