multi-PT rules
#1 13-01-2021 
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I just downloaded my first set of multi-PTs, but I found another one right after that I liked as well (I haven't opened the game again yet). I did some research -- is multi_pollination_technician_template.package meant for only 4 multi-PTs? Both sets I found had this mod, and one set had 4 PTs and the other had 3. I was thinking I could just keep all the PT files and one of the template mod, but will that mess something up?

Alternatively, if I downloaded a mod meant for 8 PTs, could I just add all 7 PTs (with the default one as the 8th) to the same folder, giving me my customized 8 PT set? Or do I have to change some stuff in SimPe?

I am mostly just not sure what the multi_pollination_technician_template.package mod does and what it requires in order to function.

#2 13-01-2021 
Each set of multi-PTs will have their own GUIDs and need to override the global BHAV "NPC - Get Alien Dad - NID" to use those GUIDs, so highly unlikely you can mix-and-match. Although it would be possible to merge the "NPC - Get Alien Dad - NID" BHAVs in each set, if you know what you're doing

#3 14-01-2021 
@meeks926 No, a multi-PT mod does not need to be 4 PTs. I've made one (and shared it here on Leefish) that handles 8 PTs. And (as you guessed) 3 or 7 new PTs is also acceptable, if they are indeed used together with the existing default PT or a replacement PT. However, you cannot just use any multi-PT mod with any set of PTs, because -- as @whoward69 correctly indicates -- each PT has its own GUID, which must be referenced in the mod. And that is -- as you also guessed -- done in SimPE.
Fortunately, I've published a tutorial on correctly referencing PTs in my mod as well, which is also linked to from my multi-PT download page.

And finally, I also have a complete set of 8 PTs available, which includes a pre-configured 8-PTs mod.

Hoping that this helps, I wish you

Happy Simming,

#4 29-01-2021 
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Thank you for the detailed tutorial! It was very helpful.

I was able to edit the mod, and the PTs all show up in game now, but none of them show the PTs as their fathers. They just have the one father in their family trees. Additionally, the one natural abduction didn't result in a pregnancy. I had to "Have baby with aliens" with all 4 of my test fathers. Does this mean I did something wrong with the mod?

Edit: I had previously tested both the multi-PT mods that I pulled my current PTs from, and they worked just fine until my testing neighborhood had gone on for a generation, and then I had the same problem (PT fathers disappearing from the tree).

#5 29-01-2021 
I'm not sure I understand you right: are you saying that that PTs don't show PTs as their fathers? Because actually, I would hope they didn't. Smile

If you actually mean that their children don't show the correct PT as their father... yeah, that's a problem that I see often, as well.
If you check the kid's family tree, the father may or may not show properly. But if you check in SimPE, the correct father is referenced. It's wonky, and I don't know why.
But since you mention that it happens with other multi-PT mods as well, I'm now pretty confident that when it happens with my own mod, it's not my fault!

#6 30-01-2021 
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So do you know if the male sim not getting pregnant naturally from alien abduction thing is part of the game, or is it a glitch?

Also, I just checked, and the PT fathers (of the alien babies) don't show up even in SimPE!

#7 30-01-2021 
There are mods that make it possible for male sims to sometimes not get pregnant. But if you had such a mod, you would KNOW it, and not ask this question.

If the abducted sim was himself an alien baby, he would NEVER get pregnant from abduction, because that would mean he was impregnated by incest. Remember, the game only checks if a sim has an alien father, but it does not check WHICH alien father, because in the original game, there is only one PT, so all Alien children MUST be his.

If you have my own Multi-PT mod in combination with Alien Experiments, then (adult) alien children will not get pregnant if their own father abducted them.

If neither of the above three options are true, then there must be something wrong in your game. But it's hard to know what caused it.

About the fathers not showing up in SimPE, I just don't know what to say. For me they always have. Im sorry.

#8 03-02-2021 
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Ok, so it turns out the problem was something in the game was causing the PT files to change. I don't know if it was all the cheats I was using or what, but it would change the file and ruin alien abduction (no PT parents in the tree, no natural abduction). I reinstalled all the mod files and made them read-only, and that seems to have fixed the problem (although it didn't fix the messed-up family trees). I was able to have a second generation alien abduction birth, so I think this method is successful! (By the way, I don't know what you mean about alien babies not being able to get pregnant from abduction --- that was one of reasons I downloaded the mod! My alien son from PT 3 was successfully impregnated by PT 1 just now so I think that's not the case.)

#9 03-02-2021 
(03-02-2021 06:33 PM)meeks926 Wrote:  By the way, I don't know what you mean about alien babies not being able to get pregnant from abduction --- that was one of reasons I downloaded the mod! My alien son from PT 3 was successfully impregnated by PT 1 just now so I think that's not the case.

Yeah, with a multi-PT mod, that often works. What I said about Alien babies getting abducted, was what happens if you do not have a multi-PT mod. Alien children cannot be impregnated by their father. If the game actually checks the child against his OWN alien father, then it should work with any multi-PT. (It's a while since I looked at these things, so the details get foggy...)
With my mod combined with Alien Experiments, you actually have more chance of impregnation, because if the child's own father was selected, the game will re-roll two times to see if it can find another PT for the job.

Anyway, congratulations on fixing the problem... Smile


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