Simpe and custom career
#1 13-02-2021 
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Hello. I have a question. I create custom career by bidou career editor, but there is 67 outfits, but, there are NPC outfits and some normal outfts, examle cop, labcoat etc. I want full body outfit from Apartment life pack use as career outfits. Can I set my custom outfit, when I create custom career?

#2 13-02-2021 
Yes, but you'll need to create an Outfit Template that references your clothing. Look at any of the existing templates to see how, eg "Outfit_Career_autronaut Outfit - Template". Then, at the bottom of the Job Details tab, where you have "Outfit", then a drop-down, then a text entry box, enter the GUID of your custom template.

#3 13-02-2021 
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Exist some guide for add custom outfit to bidou? A create career first time. I don´t know what to do.


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