Cracked disc (the hub ring)
#1 25-08-2022 
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I have been recently trying to acquire all the Sims2 discs (got started on Origin with ultimate collection...ugh hate Origin) and I got a package of most of the discs. It was labeled as "very good" condition. And most of the discs are. EXCEPT for Apartment Life. The center rub ring is cracked and one piece is about to come off. They haven't spread into the data area yet, but I have a feeling it will only be a matter of time. IF it even can spin properly at all.

I have never had this before. But I have noticed the disc cases are very very very tight for the single discs in the center hub (tighter than I have ever seen). The ones with multiple discs on a small spindle aren't near as hard to remove, so this is my guess why it is cracked: too much stress from a bad design and perhaps a little too much pulling.

The question is, is there anything I can do? Glue is out of the question. I see there is hub ring stickers but I have my doubts how effective it will be. I suspect at the high speed of my drive this disk is going to come apart. Anyone else ever run into this? Any suggestions or am I just doomed to try ebay again?

#2 26-08-2022 
Once you get the game installed, use "George" or LazyDuchess' RPC to start the game.
If you still have the origin set-up on your machine, just use that - but start it via the 2 methods above - then Origin doesn't have to 'phone home.'

Also, if you have all the discs, then you only need the AL one to install AL. If you have M&G - that is the disc you'll be using the most.
(Unless, of course, you use one of the first two methods I mentioned.)
Good luck!

#3 27-08-2022 
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Thanks for the the info! I had just heard that "George" worked with UC which I didn't know. I also didn't know there was another smiliar one called "lazyDuchess".

Yes I knew I would only be using AL for the install. And while I do have M&G it is part of the Pets Collection so I would be using that disc I believe. Unfortunately this disc is too risky to use in its current condition. Even if it doesn't totally shatter, a tiny chunk or two flying off at the speeds it spins at is likely to do damage to my drive which isn't worth it, unless I can find a way of fixing it. But I guess there isn't and I should go on a ebay hunt again. And hope I don't get burned a second time.

#4 27-08-2022 
Just use Origin UC, then turn off the Origin in game nonsense. And use a no-cd. George is one. RPC by LazyDuchess is another.


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