What is in your UserStartup.cheat file?
#31 14-07-2013 
I have a fairly long user start up cheat file that was made for me a few years back. I've never touched or added to it but recently discovered the wonders of the M&G quarter tile cheat. I don't know how I decorated without it now! Only trouble is I can't remember long cheats so I'm having to load up my Word document and copy paste it into my cheat bar every time I want it. The person who made my cheat file isn't involved in the sim community anymore so I can't ask them. Does anyone know if that cheat can be added to the user cheat file?

If it can does this look correct

alias tileon "setQuarterTilePlacement on"
allies tileoff "setQuarterTilePlacement off"

#32 14-07-2013 
Mine reads like this:

alias qon "setquartertileplacement on"

alias qoff "setquartertileplacement off"

you can change the 'qon' and 'qoff' to whatever you want to.
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#33 14-07-2013 
I'll have to try that than as what I put in broke my cheat file. Tried to put in move objects as I normally do with mon and it said there was an error. Thing is setQuarterTilePlacement on was how I was using it in the cheat bar so why isn't it working in the cheat file? Does it have to be in a certain place? I put it at the beginning. I'll try it the way you have it.

#34 14-07-2013 

This is what I have in userstartup.cheat file, feel free to use it if it helps you. I didn't know anything about userstartup.cheat until last year, so helpful. Karen

Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#35 15-07-2013 
Thanks, I'll try it your way-forgot before I loaded up today. :/

Edit. Oh my I found out why I didn't work-the cheat was already in there! It probably didn't like the cheat being repeated. My cheat file is so huge I hadn't noticed.

#36 15-07-2013 
Glad you sorted it all out Smile
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#37 30-07-2013 
I've never even heard of startup cheats until now. This sounds very interesting. I'm going to use some of this, so thank you all for sharing. Smile

#38 31-07-2013 
I wouldn't be without it. Do you know where to put it?

#39 07-09-2013 
Yes, I do. Thanks. Smile

#40 11-10-2013 
You people happen to know what i am doing wrong? My alias for move_objects on works but the off one doesn't :/ Haven't tried the others though... since i just installed sims 2 again...

My userstartup:

uintProp maxTotalSims 50
uintProp maxTotalHumans 35
uintProp maxTotalPets 15

intprop maxnumofvisitingsims 10

boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation true

boolprop ControlPets on
boolprop PetActionCancel true

alias res "changeLotZoning residential" "Make residential lot"
alias comm "changeLotZoning community" "Make community lot"
alias greek "changeLotZoning greek" "Make greek house"
alias dorm "changeLotZoning dorm" "Make dorm lot"
alias secret "changeLotZoning secretsociety" "Make secret society"

alias mon "moveObjects on" "Move Objects On" "Move Objects On"
alias mof "moveObjects off" Move Objects Off" "Move Objects Off"

alias kc "kaching" "Grants 1,000 cash"
alias ml "motherlode" "50,000 Simoleons" "Motherlode"
alias ff "FamilyFunds" "needs family name; e.g. 'fam smith 1000'"

alias ton "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true" "Testing Cheats Enabled On" "Testing Cheats Enabled On"
alias tof "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled false" "Testing Cheats Enabled Off" "Testing Cheats Enabled Off"

alias peton "boolprop PetsFreeWill True" "Free will ON for pets"
alias petoff "boolprop PetsFreeWill False" "Free will OFF for pets
magicslippers, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Oct 2013.

A screaming gravity cat (during daylight only) ☀☀☀


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