What are you listening to right now? video edition
That kid could not be more than 12/13 years old, if you ask me: flat as a pancake. Who agreed to let her perform in this video? I'd like to have them arrested!
I'm not a native English-speaker, either, French-Fish. I'm dutch! But I never use that as an excuse.. Maybe I should

No!!!! I'm really a bit disturbed that a young-looking person like that is allowed to make such suggestive footage. If the police were to find *similar* videos on a private computer, the owner of said device could be arrested for owning child-pornography! And in such an era, this can be published? So where is the boundary? What is acceptable and what not?
Doesn't mean that I don't like these videos, though... But that's part of the problem!
Doesn't mean that I don't like these videos, though... But that's part of the problem!
Actually there was a lot of controversy about that Sia:Chandelier video. Maddy Zeigler who danced in that video is indeed 13, and has been performing for 11 years.
Thank you for that information, Kiri. If nothing else, this at least confirms that I'm not alone in being concerned.