What are you listening to right now? video edition
#541 21-05-2015 
That kid could not be more than 12/13 years old, if you ask me: flat as a pancake. Who agreed to let her perform in this video? I'd like to have them arrested!

#542 21-05-2015 
You want a bolder one, BO? Try this! :O

Sneakily, she IS a perfomer! :o

#543 21-05-2015 
Actually, it's a bit disturbing how you mis-interpret what I'm saying! Tongue


#544 21-05-2015 
BO, remember that I'm not a native English-speaker. Wink Mis-interpretations can always happen, as well as a few non-comprehensions of the language' subtleties. Blush

.......unless you were, like, standard irony? Tongue

#545 21-05-2015 
I'm not a native English-speaker, either, French-Fish. I'm dutch! But I never use that as an excuse.. Maybe I should Tongue

#546 21-05-2015 
Aww! Naughty Dutch Fish! Wink

#547 21-05-2015 
No!!!! I'm really a bit disturbed that a young-looking person like that is allowed to make such suggestive footage. If the police were to find *similar* videos on a private computer, the owner of said device could be arrested for owning child-pornography! And in such an era, this can be published? So where is the boundary? What is acceptable and what not?

Doesn't mean that I don't like these videos, though... But that's part of the problem!

#548 21-05-2015 
Actually there was a lot of controversy about that Sia:Chandelier video. Maddy Zeigler who danced in that video is indeed 13, and has been performing for 11 years.

#549 21-05-2015 
Thank you for that information, Kiri. If nothing else, this at least confirms that I'm not alone in being concerned. Smile

#550 24-05-2015 
Listening to W.L.S.T.D. (When Love Starts To Die) by HIM, or at least it was the song playing as I entered this topic anyway.


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