Any Creators Ever Feel Like Giving Up After the UmpTeenth Try?
Hey BO... I'm happy to make the Piggy after I do the window, and the Hacienda Build conversion, if you don't mind waiting? But could you walk me through how you do the code at some point? I'm full of 'satiable curtiousity* and would love to try modding.
* for 'satiable curtiousity' see Rudyard Kipling and how the Whale got his throat
* for 'satiable curtiousity' see Rudyard Kipling and how the Whale got his throat
I have no problem with waiting a bit. I have enough coding stuff still waiting for me that I won't be bored, even if you keep me waiting a year or two.
But I'm afraid that teaching someone else to code would be way beyond my abilities, dear. The best I could do is try to make the code as logical and simple as possible (the 'simple' part is really hard for me, because I like to do as much as possible with is little code as I can), and tell you to look at it and learn that way.
(For an example, look at my "Reward Catalog" which does for reward points what a piggy bank is supposed to do for money)
But at least, the piggy bank would become a reality if we work together
But I'm afraid that teaching someone else to code would be way beyond my abilities, dear. The best I could do is try to make the code as logical and simple as possible (the 'simple' part is really hard for me, because I like to do as much as possible with is little code as I can), and tell you to look at it and learn that way.
(For an example, look at my "Reward Catalog" which does for reward points what a piggy bank is supposed to do for money)
But at least, the piggy bank would become a reality if we work together
Oh good. I like a man who waits.
No worries - some are born to teach, some are born to be examples. I'm happy to check out your code and learn that way.
No worries - some are born to teach, some are born to be examples. I'm happy to check out your code and learn that way.