Smooth Edges - Graphics
#81 07-03-2013 
Thanks for the tips. I will look into those things.

#82 07-03-2013 

Loaded the config files you gave. Unfortunately smooth edges was still not available. I think it's still reverting to low graphics. I have attached my config file for you to take a look at when you have time.


Attached File(s)
.zip (Size: 2.54 KB / Downloads: 504)

#83 07-03-2013 
Sailfin - you've got me completely confused.

First up - your game says it's
Name: The Sims 2 HomeCrafter Plus

How have you managed to have the most recent expansion pack named that????

Second up - probably because of First up, your graphics rules an video cards sgr files that you are using for your game are not the updated versions.

I can tell for 3 reasons -

1 is that you have no 'kiri' statements in your config-log.txt file - I've put trace through, so if you were getting to low res from your updated file, you'd see my name and the reason why in the log file.
2 is that your texture memory is set to 32Mb.
3 your video card is not recognised.

So OK. I'm not sure how you managed to have homecrafter be the most recent expansion pack, but if you go to
Your Game Folder in Program File -
The Sims 2 HomeCrafter Plus\HCData\Res\UKConfig\

You'll see that there are Graphics Rules and Video Cards in there as well.
Replace them with your new versions, and then give it a whirl.

I'm not convinced that it will do anything - because HomeCrafter is not the full game, but at least we'll have another Config-log.txt for you to send me.
celebkiriedhel, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Dec 2010.
amazon wishlist because Lee said so.

#84 07-03-2013 
Sorry I think it was because Homecrafter was the last Sims 2 program I used.

Here is the config log after loading up Mansion & Garden and making sure my graphic card was listed in Video Cards.

Attached File(s)
.zip (Size: 3.19 KB / Downloads: 516)
Sailfindragon, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Aug 2012.

#85 07-03-2013 
@kiri - I managed a temp workabout for the time being. I removed the following and everything is working.

if ($driverBuild <= 5216)
         # turn off antialiasing to avoid BSODs on older drivers
         boolProp enumerateMultisampleLevels false

         log $logGroup $logLevelInfo "Driver is too old. Disabling AA on this device."
         logSystemInfo "Kiri: Anti-alias off due to Build le 5216"

      if (($driverBuild < 5212) and ($maxPixelProgramVersionMajor < 2))
         # turn off cinematics on older drivers with DX8 cards to avoid failed copies
         setb supportsSpecialEventCamera false

         log $logGroup $logLevelInfo "Driver is too old. Disabling SpecialEventCameras on this device."

#86 07-03-2013 
That's actually the right code to remove! (ie lines 1-7) Doesn't have to be temporary - that can be the real thing!

You've got driver 1407 as well as another friend who's having difficulty. We changed hers to driverBuild<= 1400, and that works the same. Although hers is now having problems like Fansee had with the shadows, and stuff.

What I think has happened, is that for NVidia, they've changed the way the build numbers are generated. So 1407 no longer is an older build. Sigh.
celebkiriedhel, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Dec 2010.
amazon wishlist because Lee said so.

#87 07-03-2013 
I really appreciate all your help with this.

Sending you lots of snuggles and huggles. Smile
Sailfindragon, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Aug 2012.

#88 07-03-2013 
You're welcome. I'm going to save your snuggles and huggles until its cooler though then I and my catses will revel in them Big Grin
celebkiriedhel, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Dec 2010.
amazon wishlist because Lee said so.

#89 07-03-2013 
I don't think I can have smoother edges by the way unless I get a new computer.

#90 08-03-2013 
Jon - I think you're right. I've played around with everything I can, and have done some research and the bottom line is that intel integrated chip is just not up for it.
celebkiriedhel, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Dec 2010.
amazon wishlist because Lee said so.


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