Do you prefer TS2 or TS3?
I love Sims 2 only last 4weeks I have begun building houses . I recently tried to help my Daughter with CFE in Sims 3 and I couldn't work it out,my opinion is Sims 2 CFE was easier to learn than Sims 3 or I just picked the wrong tutorial for it
Cheeky, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Sep 2012.
I have both games, but much prefer Sims 2. Sims 3 is great for building as you have much more design flexibility. However, I can't drag myself away from Sims 2, I'm afraid. I haven't learned how to create anything for Sims 3 as it looks too hard! I do like Sims 3, but I think it's more a case of what I'm used to and know well. It's a comfort zone thing!
Don't underestimate the impotence of proofreading everything you write!
played sims 1 and it was fun for awhile but would've moved on if sims 2 hadn't come out. Two was more satisfying and much less frustrating than one. Haven't played three but have watched/talked to those that do. I'll stick with two because it still has so much left to explore and develop. And there are so many wonderful custom creations and mods to use already. Only limitation to further growth and change is the players imagination. Three looks pretty good but is just not that big of draw to get me to invest in buying more oomph for my pc to play it. I 'm at home with S2 I guess you could say.
I loved Sims 1 but I didn't look back when Sims 2 came out until recently when I tried to reinstall it for nostalgia but only the base game would install so I gave up on that. I own most of the Sims 3 Ep's but my computer can only really handle a couple at a time and it doesn't hold my interest for long. It just seems soulless. Sims 2 all the way.
joandsarah, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Mar 2013.
Sims 2, no contest. (I'll spare you any ranting as Xander, Fanseelamb & others pretty much took the words right out of my mouth.)
I was a very-slow-to-convert Sims 1 player who got suckered in by the Pets EP (yes, I am one of the 5 people on the planet over the age of 12 that actually enjoys pets in the game) & never looked back...much. There are a couple of things I *missed* from Sims 1 (most notably the better "risk/reward" system, as TS2 is definitely more "reward" than "risk" in many things) but 99% of TS2 blew TS1 pretty much out of the water. I do still *play* Sims 1 (on my laptop) but it's mostly for dinking around & playing with silly mods than actual *playing*. For actual playing/creating/obsessing/collecting TS2 is my choice & I have no plans to leave it.
I was a very-slow-to-convert Sims 1 player who got suckered in by the Pets EP (yes, I am one of the 5 people on the planet over the age of 12 that actually enjoys pets in the game) & never looked back...much. There are a couple of things I *missed* from Sims 1 (most notably the better "risk/reward" system, as TS2 is definitely more "reward" than "risk" in many things) but 99% of TS2 blew TS1 pretty much out of the water. I do still *play* Sims 1 (on my laptop) but it's mostly for dinking around & playing with silly mods than actual *playing*. For actual playing/creating/obsessing/collecting TS2 is my choice & I have no plans to leave it.
***Proud member of Leefish since Oct 2010***
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**Queen of the Reticulated MoonBat Society**
***Long Live the Wolves & all Wild Canines!***
Imagine how much different this thread would go if the same question was asked at TFM's Naughty Sims Asylum... Virtually everyone there is a TS3 fan...
I have most of the Sim 1 EP's, but they won't install as I did try about 6 months ago for nostalgia sakes. *is sad* Then I have all EP's and SP's for Sims 2 along with about 14 Gigs of custom content and about 300 mods. I'm addicted to downloading.
I have many of the Sims 3 EP's and a couple of SP with a few bits of cc, mostly patterns and the traveling mod and two terrain replacements of China and Egypt- just so I could actually play WA. I don't think 20 seconds of play then 1 minute of waiting for your game to unfreeze counts really as 'playing'
As to the original question I much prefer TS2. IMO it is by far the better game. Plays better, less jerky. (I was watching my sims 3 sim stop and start last night thinking she moved like a sims 1 sim) I think the Sims 2 AI is superior and offers a much more open sandbox type play. I also think it had more attention to details such as cars backing out and sims climbing in. I think even Sims 2 lost some details from the Sims 1. I saw a video the other day of a sims 1 family building a snowman and the adult picks up the child at the end and the child places on the carrot nose. It was really cute! No 'boom' it's done. I'm envious of the sim sliders and roofs is sims 3, but I find it hard to see the grid so I've never got into building in Sims 3 and just use the game houses. I can't make good sims and mine all look like puddings. My computer can't seem to handle much Sims 3 cc and I keep seeing how difficult it all is anyway. Can't be bothered going to the trouble for what is for me a casual game. The AI is what wrecks it totally which won't be fixed no matter how many EP's are added.
Aaaand I already noticed I posted to this thread before. This is the more detailed version.
I have many of the Sims 3 EP's and a couple of SP with a few bits of cc, mostly patterns and the traveling mod and two terrain replacements of China and Egypt- just so I could actually play WA. I don't think 20 seconds of play then 1 minute of waiting for your game to unfreeze counts really as 'playing'
As to the original question I much prefer TS2. IMO it is by far the better game. Plays better, less jerky. (I was watching my sims 3 sim stop and start last night thinking she moved like a sims 1 sim) I think the Sims 2 AI is superior and offers a much more open sandbox type play. I also think it had more attention to details such as cars backing out and sims climbing in. I think even Sims 2 lost some details from the Sims 1. I saw a video the other day of a sims 1 family building a snowman and the adult picks up the child at the end and the child places on the carrot nose. It was really cute! No 'boom' it's done. I'm envious of the sim sliders and roofs is sims 3, but I find it hard to see the grid so I've never got into building in Sims 3 and just use the game houses. I can't make good sims and mine all look like puddings. My computer can't seem to handle much Sims 3 cc and I keep seeing how difficult it all is anyway. Can't be bothered going to the trouble for what is for me a casual game. The AI is what wrecks it totally which won't be fixed no matter how many EP's are added.
Aaaand I already noticed I posted to this thread before. This is the more detailed version.
joandsarah, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Mar 2013.
Yea, I think we all come back here and go GAAHHH a lot.
I wanted Sims3 you know. I was so excited, but the more I played it the more I hated it. As I arrived at the back end of Sims2 it was the first time I had ever been exposed to the "Hey, update all your stuff k thanks" horror that is Sims3 modding. That meant I hated modding it too.
So, so much for Sims3
I wanted Sims3 you know. I was so excited, but the more I played it the more I hated it. As I arrived at the back end of Sims2 it was the first time I had ever been exposed to the "Hey, update all your stuff k thanks" horror that is Sims3 modding. That meant I hated modding it too.
So, so much for Sims3