Moving a Grave safely
(28-09-2013 02:37 PM)nanashi Wrote: On MATY it says that the character file might be unlinked and permanently shredded that way. Has that never happened in your game?
Nope, never had any trouble. I can simply resurrect my dead at any time.
Maybe the trouble only occurs when you save your game while the headstone is in someone's inventory, or something like that. Or when you leave it in inventory for an extended period of time. I don't do such things: the thing goes into inventory, the sim moves to the cemetery, and the stone is dropped. Straight forward in a single play session.
Normally, the character file should ONLY be shredded if you destroy/delete/sell the headstone, because after that there no longer is a stone to link that file to.
But if one is worried about losing the corpse, one could always make a backup of their hood before moving the stone.
I simply have nounlinkondelete, place the urn in a sims inventory and take them to the graveyard to place the grave. Mootilda says this is safe so that's good enough for me. I've never even heard of the The Urnstone Spawner.
(This post was last modified: 29-09-2013 01:31 AM by joandsarah.)
nounlinkondelete is a good mod to have (I have it too), but for moving graves this way, one should not need it. After all, when you put it in an inventory, you're not deleting the grave. It still exists
Well I don't have it for moving graves per say, more for disappearing graves which i had before I installed it a couple of years ago. But I think it's one of those things every sims 2 player should have. Well unless you are one of those who scraps hoods all the time.
(This post was last modified: 29-09-2013 04:52 AM by joandsarah.)