Show Your Scuba Gift
#1 13-05-2014 
Omgosh. I got my scuba and it was worth the wait. Karen made me a beautiful lot, two recolors of my fave door and 4 recolors of my favourite rug!! Thank you Karen.

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

#2 14-05-2014 
Quick post as my tech friend is due any moment.

Nix sent me 3 wonderful new birthday cakes using the in game cooked cakes, but made buyable with birthday candles and a blacksmith anvil that makes real medieval type robots! The robots are separate defaults. I only had time for a quick peek so I put it in AGS and had Mr Goth quickly make a toy robot.

The fact that it was an unplayed Goth house ensured a fun time for all! Well for me anyway.

I can't wait to see what a sim with a badge can make. Thank you so much Nix. Big Grin

#3 14-05-2014 
Here is a quick sneak peak at my gift, it's very late now so I need to head to bed, will take more tomorrow.

Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#4 14-05-2014 
Custom sims pics !! Gonna make a concert hall with those in the lobby?

#5 14-05-2014 
Well. Let me tell you - I feel very spoiled. Big Grin More curtains than a person could ever need (unless that person is me.. I'll never have enough, lol) and bed blankets to match. AND a color palette with the hex codes so I can use the pretty colors in my own creations. Since my nap turned into a sleep and I'm trying to finish what I started earlier, I haven't had a chance to look at it all in game. But I can guarantee you I'm going to love it all. Love I tell you- LOVE! The three curtains on my "wish list" are in there, too!!

Thank you, Kiri!! Heart

#6 14-05-2014 
[Image: bliss.gif][Image: confetti.gif][Image: bliss.gif]

I'm very happy that my scubee and favourite MLC has gotten her gift. Big Grin Just in case you hadn't guessed. Big Grin

#7 14-05-2014 
Okay, now that I've stopped squeeeeeeeeing, I can post this... I booted up my game to check out the lot Jo (my Scuba) made me, only she didn't make me a lot -- she made me a whole street! And because she knows I'm veryvery near my limit on files in my Downloads folder at the moment, she made it with no cc! Celebrate

Much burbling and pics under the cut!
In fact, there's only one problem with this street -- it's much nicer than the rest of the downtown area in my game! So that means you have to make me more lots streets to fill things out and even things up, Jo. Tongue (Just kidding! I'm very happy with the one. Smile ) Thanks, Jo! *BIG HUG*

#8 14-05-2014 
So glad you like it Esme. [Image: biggrin.gif]

#9 14-05-2014 
Wow, everyones gifts are looking fabulous!!! That anvil is amazing! and love the street!!

#10 14-05-2014 
@joandsarah, I'm thrilled you like my gifts! Celebrate I had a lot of fun making them. And I must admit, out of all the replacement bots, the little toy knight actually is my favourite - it's so darned cute when it's turned on. Big Grin (I don't know if any of you have seen the first Transformers movie, but you know when the Nokia phone gets turned into this super agitated mini-Decepticon? It looks a bit like that. Wink)

I'm on my netbook right now and my gift and my Sims are on my desktop, but wait 'til you see what Lee made me, it's adorable! Heart But that sneaky fish, I had absolutely no idea she was my scuba, and I've been in chat with her and Klaartje talking about scuba stuff (only in general terms, of course, but still)! I don't know how either of them managed to keep a straight face, especially yesterday when I was theorising my scuba would be a lot builder. Poker Face of the Year, you two! Big Grin


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