What are you listening to right now? video edition
#421 16-06-2014 
Fansee, I love that song too much! I was even listening to it before I saw this Tongue

#422 17-06-2014 

(Admittedly, I'm pretty sure I've never heard the song this is a cover of.)

#423 18-06-2014 
I do listen to English music as well, I swear, but this song makes me happy. Smile It's basically about a guy who's been used and dumped, but now he's getting back on his feet and recognises that he's only grown stronger through the experience.

FYI, in the video there are a few instances of people giving each other (and the viewer) the finger. Don't know how badly that offends you. Confused

The title means "look at me now" and the chorus goes:

Jag ska resa mig ur askan, upp från mina knän / I'm gonna rise from the ashes, up from my knees
Värsta superman, jag krossar allt i min väg / Totally like superman I crush everything in my path
Du ska få se på vad du kasta', är inte som förut / You'll see what you've thrown away, am not like before
Men pass på allt det där, bara se på mig nu / But never mind all that, just look at me now
Se på mig nu / Look at me now

Swedish pronunciation guide for English speakers: å = sounds like the vowel sound in "four; ä = vowel in "bad"; ö = approx. like the vowel in "bird"

#424 18-06-2014 
@Tamha oh my god! That's just beautifully done!
@NixNivis That song is amazingly done.

for the last week or so, I've just been on a Florence + The Machine kick Tongue. I bought both albums because I liked them enough. This song though is stuck in my head a ton.

(Usually I never get songs stuck in my head. )

#425 20-06-2014 
Bastille - Pompeii

#426 20-06-2014 
Saint Raymond - Brighter Days

Double posting cos I can

#427 20-06-2014 
That Bastille song is very "Fansee" for your taste Lee, I like Big Grin

Wait, what, Nix, I totally wasn't expecting a beat like that coming from you Tongue

#428 20-06-2014 
OK Nix - I seriously seriously like the song and the video. I love the inclusiveness in it - old/young, fat/thin, all skin colours, everyone is there and having a good time. Big Grin That is seriously cool.

#429 20-06-2014 
@Klaartje, nor did I, but I heard it on the radio the other day and fell in love with it. After humming the chorus for a day, I caved and bought it from iTunes. Tongue

@celebkiriedhel, I know, right? I just love the video! Big Grin I don't know anything about the group and this is the first song of theirs I've heard, but I have to find out what other songs they've made. I like music that makes me feel all happy and bouncy! Smile

#430 21-06-2014 

And because my tunes are on shuffle and this is so upbeat, here's another one.


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