What are you listening to right now? video edition
I do listen to English music as well, I swear, but this song makes me happy.
It's basically about a guy who's been used and dumped, but now he's getting back on his feet and recognises that he's only grown stronger through the experience.
FYI, in the video there are a few instances of people giving each other (and the viewer) the finger. Don't know how badly that offends you.
The title means "look at me now" and the chorus goes:
Jag ska resa mig ur askan, upp från mina knän / I'm gonna rise from the ashes, up from my knees
Värsta superman, jag krossar allt i min väg / Totally like superman I crush everything in my path
Du ska få se på vad du kasta', är inte som förut / You'll see what you've thrown away, am not like before
Men pass på allt det där, bara se på mig nu / But never mind all that, just look at me now
Se på mig nu / Look at me now
Swedish pronunciation guide for English speakers: å = sounds like the vowel sound in "four; ä = vowel in "bad"; ö = approx. like the vowel in "bird"

FYI, in the video there are a few instances of people giving each other (and the viewer) the finger. Don't know how badly that offends you.

The title means "look at me now" and the chorus goes:
Jag ska resa mig ur askan, upp från mina knän / I'm gonna rise from the ashes, up from my knees
Värsta superman, jag krossar allt i min väg / Totally like superman I crush everything in my path
Du ska få se på vad du kasta', är inte som förut / You'll see what you've thrown away, am not like before
Men pass på allt det där, bara se på mig nu / But never mind all that, just look at me now
Se på mig nu / Look at me now
Swedish pronunciation guide for English speakers: å = sounds like the vowel sound in "four; ä = vowel in "bad"; ö = approx. like the vowel in "bird"
@Tamha oh my god! That's just beautifully done!
@NixNivis That song is amazingly done.
for the last week or so, I've just been on a Florence + The Machine kick
. I bought both albums because I liked them enough. This song though is stuck in my head a ton.
(Usually I never get songs stuck in my head. )
@NixNivis That song is amazingly done.
for the last week or so, I've just been on a Florence + The Machine kick

(Usually I never get songs stuck in my head. )
OK Nix - I seriously seriously like the song and the video. I love the inclusiveness in it - old/young, fat/thin, all skin colours, everyone is there and having a good time.
That is seriously cool.

@Klaartje, nor did I, but I heard it on the radio the other day and fell in love with it. After humming the chorus for a day, I caved and bought it from iTunes. 
@celebkiriedhel, I know, right? I just love the video!
I don't know anything about the group and this is the first song of theirs I've heard, but I have to find out what other songs they've made. I like music that makes me feel all happy and bouncy!

@celebkiriedhel, I know, right? I just love the video!