Sims2 Ultimate Collection
#61 20-07-2014 
It's worth mentioning that AGS has not been updated to work the various Collections, such as Fun with Pets, or (to my knowledge) with Origin games.

#62 20-07-2014 
@MSD: Exactly! Which is why I pointed out that the Ultimate Collection has the same issue of incompatibility. Big Grin
It is a Collection like all the others before it, just bigger is all. Wink

#63 20-07-2014 
This is how I see it; its the entire Sims2 set and EA are going to store it for me for free as an additional backup. Sounds like a deal. I don't need it or want it for extra gameplay, but lot of people probably will.

The EXTRA is based on if all you have is the base game and a couple of EPs - if you already have everything then there are no extras. Probably prepatched; that is it.

Not everyone has all EP's and SP's, quite a lot of people are already using the Collections Packs and can't use an AGS anyway.

Setting tinfoil hats to one side, it seems a good deal for free.

#64 20-07-2014 
Whoops. Sorry, I somehow missed your post. Slap

#65 20-07-2014 
Oh, thank you! I think I only have some way to skip the intro. Would that be an AGS? And the only mod I have is the one that removes the pixels, which I guess could be redirected to the new folder? Ginnie

#66 20-07-2014 
Sorry, I'm missing the rationale here. Why would anyone need AGS for configurations if everyone outside of bootleggers has access to all of the games now thus eliminating the 'EPxx and SPxx required' testing for custom content. EA has rendered AGS obsolete with UC. TS2 fans and creators who are still going to be playing this game for another era should both be happy about this.

@CatherineTCJD - it works with 8.1 without glitches Smile that is the only extra... I think the extra content EA was talking about was that simmers who only owned the base game now get all the expansions and stuff packs. Unlike you, I never registered my games, so I had to pull out all my codes when I contacted EA and they told me they only need one code and any code at that... so if I had only ever paid $9.99 (what my base game cost years after it was released *lol*) I would have gotten over $100 worth of game content for free. Great deal for base-game fans, not so special for those of us who already had all the EPs and SPs. Still... I'm glad EA made this available because now everyone is playing and sharing content for the same game--there is now much less chance of EP-restricted cc blowing up simmers' games.

#67 20-07-2014 
@nanashi: AGS allows you to play multiple games, but in each game, you can choose which EPs and SPs you want to use. So even with all EPs and SPs installed, you could still play a BaseGame only version, without the need to uninstall all the expansions. Modders find this a useful feature to test their new mods with every game configuration, but there are other situations possible where you might wish to have this option.

Because there are still people who have reasons for not WANTING specific EPs and/or SPs. And some challenges require that you start with BG only, and only add a specific expansion once a certain target event has occurred or when a task has been performed.

#68 20-07-2014 
If I can't download Ultimate onto an external I'll just leave it on my dash-whenever that may be. It's been four days since they added Double Deluxe to my dash and still no sign of Ultimate on it.

nanashi, I don't think Ultimate is for mac's, also plenty of people are staying with their disks and not moving onto Ultimate, plus I'll be staying with AGS to build on and to have a quick loading game. I have a full up to M&G slot on there with Strangetown added with just a little cc so it's quick to load. My main game on D drive takes an hour to load so I only play that occasionally.

#69 21-07-2014 
Good info Smile Thanks everyone. I'm keeping my tinfoil firmly in place. LOL!
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#70 21-07-2014 
@BoilingOil - that's a really good point. I didn't consider folks not wanting specific EPs or SPs for TS2.


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