Sims2 Ultimate Collection
#91 31-07-2014 
fact that it comes with securom makes me Angry

#92 31-07-2014 
Yeah, did anyone expect that they wouldn't give it another try to foist SuckRot upon us?

I have warned from day one that there would be some kind of viper in the grass, and nobody wanted to hear it. No, I am a doom-sayer, and the UC is a blessing, a heavenly gift from EA. And everyone has to get it immediately.

One thing I've learned, is not to ever warn people again, because they won't listen anyway. :-(

#93 31-07-2014 
Oh, don't feel bad BO - I heard ya! No "O" or suc-u-rom for me. Nope. Celebrate

...ony tinfoil Big Grin
Proud member of LeeFish since Sep 2013. Angel
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#94 31-07-2014 
@BoilingOil - faced with the destruction of my discs and no sims2 or installing UC and later removing securom (lots of tutorials out there) - well, Hello UC. Of course there is a catch its EA. I thought that would be pretty clear Big Grin

#95 31-07-2014 
but judging from the latest avalanche of new folks in kiri's tread with uc installations Huh,do they know?

#96 31-07-2014 
caveat emptor Big Grin

#97 31-07-2014 
I just live with securom - I have two disk drives, one of which is only used for Sims 2. That's the only way I can have a drive that works for other applications. Ginnie

#98 31-07-2014 
I thought Sucyrom was a given, it's EA after all.

#99 01-08-2014 
What joandsarah said. While I did a lot of research into DRM programs and Securom in particular and how broken it was back when Vista first came out (I wrote a college paper on it), I have had to deal with it since I started playing Sims 3, as pretty much my entire collection I bought through Origin. Not sure if Sony fixed some of the problems it used to have or if it has to do with not using it with any CD or DVD Roms, but I haven't had any issues with it on either my Windows 7 or 8 systems beside the fact it's there in the first place.

#100 10-08-2014 
Hi, how can I play The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection in windows mode? I don't find file .exe and I can't add -w

I used this trick and always worked:

[Image: MTS_daysies-261287-PropertiesDialog.jpg]

I have Windows 7 64bit.

Thank you


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