Sims 2, Graphics and Windows 10
#21 31-07-2015 
Jeff - Are you on Windows 10?
Does it only crash when you go into CAS and nowhere else?
I can see a few problems in your config-log. - I've got to go to work now, but I will deal with this when I finish up.

#22 31-07-2015 
My niece installed W10 yesterday, than ran a bunch of "clean-up" programs like C-Cleaner & Advanced System Care on it, plus about eight others. These are programs that she runs on a regular basis to keep her computer performance optimized. Well, all H*** broke loose and she ended up with a corrupted registry - nothing would open. My thoughts are not to run any programs you used on W7 or W8.1, especially ones that clean the registry, without updating them for W10 first. Does this make sense to you - do you agree? Yours truly gets the pleasure of formatting her laptop now. Please let me know what you think. Thank you so very much.

HeartDeco / Debra
HeartDeco, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jun 2012.

#23 31-07-2015 
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Hello!! I installed the Ultimate Collection on Windows 10 but it crashes Sad Can you help me, please?
.txt  USER-PC-config-log.txt (Size: 10.43 KB / Downloads: 958)

#24 31-07-2015 
(31-07-2015 05:45 AM)HeartDeco Wrote:  My niece installed W10 yesterday, than ran a bunch of "clean-up" programs like C-Cleaner & Advanced System Care on it, plus about eight others.

No need to wait for Kiri in this case, @HeartDeco. Because I can answer this one, too. You are absolutely right, and what you're saying makes a lot of sense.
Your niece has actually managed to actively destroy her W10 installation on her first day using it. Running a *few* clean-up programs is never a bad thing, as long as these clean-up programs have been updated for the OS that one is running. But a total of TEN cleaners, none of which are updated?? I'm sorry to say it, but that was utterly foolish of her.

Good luck with the format/reïnstall, Debra. I'm sure that this can't be fun for you, and I'm sorry that you'll have to get through that.

#25 31-07-2015 
I agree totally with BO. Running clean up programs on Windows 10, that are not updated for Windows 10 is not a good thing to do.

Other programs such as sims 2 - are never going to be updated for Windows 10. And because they do not clean anything, and will be registered the way that Windows 10 will register them, it is safe to attempt to install them. Windows 10 will include some backward capability for programs because at the moment, the number of programs that have been made specifically for Windows 10 is going to be very low.

But using common sense is vital to what programs you can and can't install.

#26 01-08-2015 
"Thank you", BO and "Thank you", Kiri! I had a feeling that was the case; I'm glad for the confirmation. We (my Dad and I) did have to format the hard drive and make a change with the partitions before it would allow us to reload Windows 7. I think she may have lost the ability to reinstall Windows 10 - not certain about that part.

Thank you both again,
Debra (HeartDeco)
HeartDeco, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jun 2012.

#27 01-08-2015 
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I have a problem with the shadows in my game, it shows black boxes under my sim in CAS and in game play. I tried changing the every setting in the graphics menu but nothing changed. I'm using an Intel® HD Graphics card.

#28 01-08-2015 

To fix the black box problem - Go to this thread : Sims 2 and Graphics Cards - the fixes
First Post - Scroll down until you get to the heading Windows 8: Black Shadows Box Issue

You will need to change the code as shown in both your Config folder, and your CS Config folder. (CS does Bodyshop)

#29 02-08-2015 
Thought I would mention something I have found out. My game was running slow, lagging, etc. I thought it was all my piece of stuff Intel HD graphics. I was trolling and came upon an article that the Sims 2 and Sim City 4 were launched at a time that multiple CPU's were non-existent or uncommon, therefore were mostly unsupported. They advised to right click on the shortcut and add -CPUCount:1 to the Target. This is how it looks on my shortcut (I also run windowed mode therefore I have -w) "C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff\TSBin\Sims2Launcher.exe" -w -CPUCount:1. My game seems to run less slow and choppy using this tag.

#30 02-08-2015 
I wonder if that would help with W7 and W8.x as well. Not that I have any issues at present, mind you. But it *is* an interesting solution to investigate for those that have similar problems.


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Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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