sims2 #1
I was looking for a moose head, and i found a WCIF on MTS pointing to Ogularama. The site has some REALLY nice stuff on it! @celebkiriedhel - I thought you might like them, if you haven't seen them already...

...also @fanseelamb -- on the same page is a hospital baby bassinet!

Unfortunately... the moose head was NOT very high-quality. =( But just about everything else there (mostly TS2 with a sprinkling of TS1!!) appeared to be really well-done.


x 7

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#2 14-12-2015
Thanks gE. I've had these from Og for quite a while, but it's always good to have them pointed out.

#3 14-12-2015
Cool, thank you grin! I will check that out in game. Smile

#4 28-12-2015
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Very nice!!! I am recreating the Sims 1 neighborhood in Sims 2. This is great! Thanks for the link.


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