• My Hot Grandma: Swimsuit Conversion.
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sims3 #1
EA's plunge swimsuit is my favorite swimsuit by far. However, it's not available for elders. It seems EA has a real problem with elders being fashionable because all the cute clothes are left for the youngins. But elders can be sexy too, right Lee? Right!

[Image: thumb640x480]

This is just a simple age conversion of the plunge swimsuit. It has all the same features of the original swimsuit (channels/texture/categories/etc). If there was already a conversion out there, I'm sorry. But hey, mine comes with 4 cute presets!
x 8

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My Hot Grandma: Swimsuit Conversion. Screenshot My Hot Grandma: Swimsuit Conversion. Screenshot My Hot Grandma: Swimsuit Conversion. Screenshot My Hot Grandma: Swimsuit Conversion. Screenshot My Hot Grandma: Swimsuit Conversion. Screenshot My Hot Grandma: Swimsuit Conversion. Screenshot    
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Filesize 527.35 KB | File Name daluved1_MHG-ef-PlungeSwimsuitConversion.rar | # of Downloads 579  
#2 24-05-2011
I see. Dal, WHEN I catch you I shall kill you.


#3 24-05-2011
  • Fishlike Associate
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What's that ma'am? You need a nap? Okays.

* daluved1 mumbles about old peoples

#4 25-05-2011
EEEWWW!!!!! That Low cut Swimsuit (that exposes more than I need to See as a 15 year old male) will be in my nightmares tonight !!!

I am Critically Disturbed Now !!

Its .. Uhm .. good .. Good Job

Lee. It's ok to be an Old Fishy Tongue

* levini Gets Brain bleach


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