Blurred skintone (2048x2048)
#1 08-08-2023 
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Hello. I noticed that the skintone with a resolution of 2048x2048 is blurred. Yes, the quality is high, but detailed.

But when a sim is naked in their standard! the tele-texture becomes clear.
Even with basic clothing, the texture is blurry.
There are no problems with high quality clothing.
Skintone only.
Is there any solution?

Rules schedule is set. I didn't see any graphics issues.

[Image: HOvAYPnMFl8.jpg?size=1280x685&qu...type=album]
[Image: 26yM9A0znCc.jpg?size=1280x685&qu...type=album]

#2 08-08-2023 
You must remember how old this game is. The last Expansion pack, Apartment Life, was released FIFTEEN YEARS ago. At that time, no machine could handle such high resolution materials.
And now you're asking this ancient software to show sims with high-res skin and low-res clothing. The game was not made to run the imager twice for every sim - once for the skin and then again for the clothing -, because that would take too long, and would be too hard for the ancient video cards... Some people already had to wait 30 minutes or more for the game to simply start up, and their game would be slow and laggy even without such high res textures.
So, the game makes only ONE pass to show you the sim and its clothing. And because it cannot enhance the low-res clothing to a higher res, it therefor lowers the high-res skin to a lower res that fits with the clothing. And thus, the skin looks blurry when the sim wears low-res clothing.

If you want to show off your high-res skins, you'll have to dress your sims in equally high-res clothing. That's all there is to it.

#3 09-08-2023 
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no, I mean that high-quality clothing with a high texture in the game works well (in the sense that the game displays it without problems), but the skintone itself is still blurry.

#4 09-08-2023 
Well, in that case I don't know.


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