• Latest Champions on Index
  • Uploader:leefish
Games section is a nice addon for a board, but it would be cool to be able to publicize it a bit more on the main board.

This plugin shows the latest champions and how long they have been champion for.

ACP options are:
  • Enabled/Disabled
  • How many champions to show
  • Where to show the Champions Gallery

You can see the standard version on my test board


Upload latestchamps.php to your inc/plugins. The .png file is a replacement avatar for users with no avatar. Put it in the images/avatars folder.

This is NOT for ProPortal - I have that one coming up.


Latest Champions on Index Screenshot Latest Champions on Index Screenshot  
Download link
Filesize 6.78 KB | File Name Latest_Champs_on_Index.rar | # of Downloads 119  
#2 21-01-2011 
Thank you so much.
This will sooo fit into the genre of my forum.

#3 21-01-2011 
For some reason it isn't working.
I even tried editing the templates manually but still nothing.

#4 21-01-2011 
um, that is odd, cos its working fine for me. Did you look at the settings? Choose index? Input the variable like it says on the settings page?
Where do you want the Latest Champions Gallery to be displayed?
Use Variable {$latestchamps_gallery} in your template

Also, there should be a line in your header (at the very bottom of the template)

<!-- Champs Gallery -->
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#5 21-01-2011 
My fault for not reading the settings completely.
I didn't input the variable. Works great now...thanks so much.

#6 21-01-2011 
No problems - thanks for the reply. I just looked on your board - it looks good Smile
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#7 21-01-2011 
I edited the thead in the template to match the rest of the site (mine uses a custom one) and I think it looks quite spiffy.
Great job on the plugin...keep it up.

I really should concentrate on how to develop plugins for the game section so I can implement some of my ideas.

#8 21-01-2011 
Well, I like plugins - if you have some ideas or whatever - lets hear them Smile You may have noticed over on testfish that I got the avatars to show nicely on the play page and the top three - now fighting with the game bit. Those are modifications though, not plugins.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#9 27-01-2011 
  • Guest
hey. cannot download. error occur. why?

#10 27-01-2011 
I have no idea - maybe you are using a proxy? I just tested this as a guest (NOT using a proxy) and it was fine.

I MIGHT be able to help you more if you could say what the error was......
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

Sorry, that is a members only option