• S3PE - The Sims 3 Package Editor(in-game/buyable)
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sims3 #1
Shouldn't your sims be able to mod their sims? This is a decorative s3pe box for your sims, found in decoration/Misc. Price:4 simoleons.

x 6

Please contact cmo.

S3PE - The Sims 3 Package Editor(in-game/buyable) Screenshot      
Download link
Filesize 40.72 KB | File Name cmomoney_S3PE.rar | # of Downloads 2,229  
#2 22-02-2011
  • Fishlike Associate
  • 0
  • 142
And then, in return, the modded sims of the modded sims can mod their sims? And then, the modded sims of the modded sims of the original modded sims can mod their sims, and so forth?

#3 22-02-2011
Thats a fancy looking box. I want one in RL.

#4 22-02-2011
I would like something similar for TS2. Of course, it would then be named SimPE, not S3PE :]


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