  • No More Red Lines
  • Uploader: leefish
I take a lot of pictures in the sims2 game and this mod is really neat - this way I crop pictures because I WANT to - not because I want to get rid of the red lines.

If you want to keep a visible but less intrusive indicator of the game being paused, try this mod:

Pause Indicator Replacement

*originally a BeosBoxBoy mod.

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Download link
Filesize 704 bytes | File Name no-red-pause-mod.rar | # of Downloads 453  
#2 02-03-2011
This mod is great I have been using it for quiet awhile now. Do you have a link to it?

#3 02-03-2011
I'm not quite sure what you mean Michelle - I got it a long time ago from somebody in a chat room - I have no idea of its origin - I just know it works.

The file is in the download tab.

#4 02-03-2011
Sorry, Nonni was asking about it earlier and said she couldn't find it. The mod is from BeosBoxBoy, it was on MTS but I believe it has been removed from there, it can now be found here: http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,62217.0.html

#5 02-03-2011
Oh if its beoboxboy then its cool to share it here. I will update the first post to attribute it. I am right in thinking I have to join insim etc to get a dl? Whereas here not Smile

#6 02-03-2011
Thank you, Lee, somethings may be perfectly logical and obvious to you and now that you have pointed out the "download tab", I can see the obvious, also.

#7 02-03-2011
Yea Nonni, I have the philosophy that if it LOOKS like you can click it then you should be able to.

I was toying with this set up idea for downloads but decided to stay with what we have.

#8 06-01-2012
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Thanks, This should solve my main problems with screenshots!

Sorry, that is a members only option