• Who's in Chat for Pro_Portal
  • Uploader:leefish
This is a pro_portal block that shows who is in chat


Your chat is located as so: www . yoursite/(path to forum if site is in sub-directory)/chat/


For the pro_portal block to work then you will need to have the AjaxChat installed on your board.

Installing to ProPortal:

When you add the ajax_chat block, put this in the block settings
block_title = <a href="http://www.yoursite.com/forums/chat">Chat</a>
Use Custom Block Template = NO
Block File: ajaxchat

Who's in Chat for Pro_Portal Screenshot Who's in Chat for Pro_Portal Screenshot  
Download link
Filesize 1.03 KB | File Name WhoIsInAJAXChat.rar | # of Downloads 109
File Updated 18-03-2012

#2 04-03-2011 
i will try to get it work
is it normal?

Fatal error: Call to undefined function getShoutBoxContent() in /home/vol13/xtreemhost.com/xth_7189332/parsua.cz.cc/htdocs/portal.php(322) : eval()'d code(32) : eval()'d code on line 1

#3 04-03-2011 
(04-03-2011 01:15 PM)leefish Wrote:  Requirements

For the pro_portal block to work then you will need to have the ajax_Chat installed on your board.

For the shoutbox you will NEED ZingaBurga's PHP in Templates plugin.
You can get that at the link >> http://mybbhacks.zingaburga.com/showthread.php?tid=260

Did you install and activate php in templates?
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#4 04-03-2011 
although i could not install ajax chat on my test forum wich free hosted

#5 04-03-2011 
Whoops - forgot something (thats what comes of hurrying cos of impatient users)

add this code to the top of any themes you have:
@import url(./chat/css/shoutbox.css);

It should be the FIRST line in your global.css

But the error is definitely because you have no php in templates installed,
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#6 04-03-2011 
because of my free host
i wanted to install it first on my test forum but apparently impossible

#7 04-03-2011 

How the heck do you expect a shoutbox which displays a chat and a link to it to WORK if you don't have the chat installed??
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#8 04-03-2011 
ok i will try install ajax chat first on my main site
i have RTL ProPortal so i afraid replace protal.php and template to my main forum

#9 04-03-2011 
hmmmm. the RTL may be an issue - take a look at the files in the package and compare to your own portal php and templates.

Of course, when editing templates/core files you should always save a copy FIRST.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#10 04-03-2011 
while installing ajax chat on my main forum i get this error
Query: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ajax_chat_online; Error-Report: Error-Code:
i gave up but tnx

Sorry, that is a members only option