• Deletable Mailbox Mod
  • Uploader:
sims3 #1
Works with version 1.42
This simple mod makes the default mailbox deletable, and buy-able from the catalog, like most objects. This is so you can replace it with custom mailboxes. Its location in catalog is Outdoor/Lawn Ornaments, price 0 simoleons. Install as you would normally install any package file. This mod will only conflict with mods that alter the OBJD of the default mailbox.

I have custom mailboxes available for download HERE and HERE . Smile
x 9

Please contact cmo.

Deletable Mailbox Mod Screenshot      
Download link
Filesize 1.61 KB | File Name cmomoney_DeletableMailboxMod.rar | # of Downloads 8,228  
#17 30-04-2011
  • Guest
Hello, I also have a Mac and having the same problem extracting the .rar file with Stuffit Expander. However, I did manage to extracted the .rar file using the app UnRarX with out a problem. I have tested out to see if the mod works in the game, and it seem to work with out any problems. I would suggest that any Mac users try extracting the .rar file with the app UnRarX. I have extacted other .rar files with Stuffit Expander with out a problem, but with this particular .rar file, it seems to have a problem extracting it. I hope this helps out other Mac users who want to download this mod. Thanks Cmo for making this mod and making it available for every one to use.

#18 30-04-2011
Ok, thank you for that - are you saying that a Zip file would be better for Mac users? If so, I can ask CMO to add a zip.

#19 01-05-2011
  • Guest
You are very welcome. With a Mac, we can uncompress .rar files just fine with StuffIt Expander. However, for some reason, StuffIt Expander have an issue with this particular .rar file. I was just providing a way for other Mac users to uncompress this particular .rar file. In the past, I have downloaded some of CMO's other .rar files and uncompressed them with out a problem. I hope this helps to clarify what I was trying to do. Thanks for your concern in this matter.


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