• Latest Champions on Pro_Portal
  • Uploader:leefish
This is a custom block for Pro_Portal. It shows the last 4 champions from the game section, the game they are champion of and for how long.


Link to to the Game that the member is Champion of
Link to Champion's Profile.
Avatars are scaled in the PHP. No css tricks.
A custom language file to easily change to your board language Smile

Open the folder and upload to your server
Put the block file with the rest of the pro_portal blocks.
Put the lang.php file in the correct language folder
Languages Included:
Link to test board >> http://www.leefish.nl/testfish/portal.php I put the language to Persian on this block so you can see it.

Special Thanks
h0mayun for having the idea for the custom language file Smile

Latest Champions on Pro_Portal  Screenshot    
Download link
Filesize 3.6 KB | File Name latest_champs_on_Pro_portal.rar | # of Downloads 77
File Updated 21-03-2011

#2 20-03-2011 
tnx buddy
you are amazing
works amazing
tnx again

#3 21-03-2011 
hi leefish
tnx for file
just one question
when i want transtale word lake for example "Date" to ma language (persian),it shows "???????"
how can i fix that
propably i should to made file UTF but i cant
i searched everywhere and found nothing Sad
do you know how to fix it?

#4 21-03-2011 
Its because they are strings - there is one for less than one day, one for 1 day and one for multiple days. Its the code below. IF you do manage to make a Persian translation can I have a copy and include it in the upload?

PHP Code:
if ($reign 1
$reign ="Less than a day";
    else if (
$reign 2)
$reign '1 Day';
$reign round($reign).' Days';    

If you open the file in Notepad++ you can change the word 'Days' into another word.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#5 21-03-2011 
yeah sure .but i cant translate it
when i replace word with translated words its appears like "??????"

#6 21-03-2011 
Yea, I got that too - how have you translated other pro_portal stuff to Persian?
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#7 21-03-2011 
i did not do that
but i see there is this code

#8 21-03-2011 
i think i can do that by editing persian pro_portal.lang.php
im working on that

#9 21-03-2011 
Ok, keep me posted - always ready to learn new stuff Smile
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#10 21-03-2011 
it works
i will upload you when its done

Sorry, that is a members only option