• Leefish Exclusive: Vintage Sundress for Teens
  • Uploader:
sims3 #1
I love love love retro/vintage clothing! Which is why when I stumbled across this ad I immediately became inspired!

[Image: thumb640x480]

This elegant dress is for teens only, because there's already more than enough vintage clothing out there for adult/YA females. The dress is very versatile; with the right accessories it could be a glamorous formal gown or a breezy summer dress.

[Image: thumb640x480]

It comes with two presets, with custom thumbnails. Both have different channel layouts. The main difference is that one allows for the hem of the skirt to be recolored and the other does not.

The dress is enabled for everyday and formal. And - as stated earlier - is for female teens only.

Mesh Information:
Polys - 3890
Vertices - 2460

*The mesh for this dress will be up for downloads...eventually....
x 6

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Leefish Exclusive: Vintage Sundress for Teens Screenshot Leefish Exclusive: Vintage Sundress for Teens Screenshot Leefish Exclusive: Vintage Sundress for Teens Screenshot Leefish Exclusive: Vintage Sundress for Teens Screenshot Leefish Exclusive: Vintage Sundress for Teens Screenshot Leefish Exclusive: Vintage Sundress for Teens Screenshot    
Download link
Filesize 506.09 KB | File Name daluved1_tfVintageSunDress.rar | # of Downloads 1,219  
#2 18-06-2011
Lovely Dal darling!! I like it .. Do the shoes cone with it ?? That outfit , with some wedges would make a awesome combo lol

#3 18-06-2011
daluved1, this is really cute!

#4 18-06-2011
Love the dress, thank you.


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