• Random Games on Pro Portal
  • Uploader:leefish
As requested by David Edison, a random games Pro Portal block.

You have ProPortal and the games section addons installed

This block uses "order by RAND". This is NOT optimised for forums with a lot of games and may cause slow loading and excessive server load.

Unpack the rar file and upload the contents to forum root.

There are two png images included to show the rating stars.

Exclamation IE8 and below does not support this kind of image manipulation so in those browsers there will be no image for the rating. Exclamation

Random Games on Pro Portal Screenshot Random Games on Pro Portal Screenshot Random Games on Pro Portal Screenshot
Download link
Filesize 4.36 KB | File Name random_games_on_Pro_portal.rar | # of Downloads 65  
#2 14-03-2012 
This plugin contains hard coded values (a problem with ProPortal which is out of my control). In order to change the number of games shown you need to open the portal block and find the following code:

$query = $db->query("SELECT g.title, g.gid, g.active, g.rating, g.name FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."games g ORDER by RAND() DESC LIMIT 0, 4");

Change the number 4 to however many games you want to display.
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#3 16-03-2012 
davidedison, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Nov 2011.

Sorry, that is a members only option