A suggestion
#1 25-04-2012 
I was looking at leefish (as usual) and I decided that our downloads display was kind of old fashioned looking.

I think the "problem" is the bordered boxy look, especially on bluefish and barbiedal and the members area.

I made a mock-up in the upload area - here are some pics. I would like to change the layout to this. I think it would look cleaner.

Opinions please.

The description thing can either be added when you upload a thread, or it will auto populate from your post contents.

I am also looking for ideas to make our index page look a bit more modern as well - again, it is very boxy and listy and I really hate it.

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#2 25-04-2012 
I like what you're suggesting, although the member's download area looks a little 'washed out' compared to the brightness of yours, CMO, BO and Barbie Dal's. I actually find the brown/cream difficult to read but it's clearer in these displays.

Whatever you decide, Lee, it'll be good, this site is bright and welcoming from the minute you get here.
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#3 25-04-2012 
I like it a lot! Big Grin It looks much sleeker and lighter (in terms of weight, not colour) than the current one. I must admit the boxiness has never bothered me before, but when I look at it now and compare it to this... yeah, it's boxy. So I vote yes on the change. Smile
[Image: nixedbuttongreen5.jpg]

#4 25-04-2012 
Karen Lorraine;11796 Wrote:.....although the member's download area looks a little 'washed out' compared to the brightness of yours, CMO, BO and Barbie Dal's.

Yes, I see what you mean - its is actually the smoothest in terms of being "modern" but I agree the "cards" could maybe pop a little more. I will try and tweak a little. Yellow maybe?

Karen Lorraine;11796 Wrote:I actually find the brown/cream difficult to read but it's clearer in these displays.

Do you mean BO's area or Cmo or both? To be honest - I have decided that though black setups might LOOK uber they are actually a bugger to read. I think I am getting old Big Grin

Well, again, it is up to BO - if he wants some changes re colors (especially if members are finding it hard to read) then I am sure he will say so. I DID tweak the font color a little on the description box on BO's set up.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#5 25-04-2012 
member's download area:
I'm not very good at visualising, I need to see examples to be able to decide (that's how I do my poster's etc). Perhaps there should be more yellow and orange as they're your preferred brighter colours.

BO and CMO:
I don't visit CMO's very often but the brown is probably due to my eyesight and age! I think the colour and style that they have is more for a younger audience? I have my screen zoomed to at least 125% all the time!
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#6 25-04-2012 
Karen Lorraine;11796 Wrote:.....although the member's download area looks a little 'washed out' compared to the brightness of yours, CMO, BO and Barbie Dal's.
leefish;11801 Wrote:Yes, I see what you mean - its is actually the smoothest in terms of being "modern" but I agree the "cards" could maybe pop a little more. I will try and tweak a little. Yellow maybe?

I didn't think there was anything wrong with the old format but I do prefer the new one you mocked up so my vote is to change it as well. For the members area, if you incorporate a line of orange from the fish instead of the turquoise in the blue/turquoise part of the Upload bar it makes a big difference without changing the look of the page.

#7 25-04-2012 
Asking for orange....

* leefish cries tears of joy...

I also considered a lime green in the bar - that might help.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#8 25-04-2012 
Karen Lorraine;11803 Wrote:I think the colour and style that they have is more for a younger audience?

Nope, the colors in *my* section were meant to fit in with a greasy workplace named "BoilingOil's Grease Pit". Purely from *that* perspective, I'm not too happy that Lee changed the colors, because it's no longer what it was supposed to be. But from a readability pov, I *do* understand it, and am not going to complain.

I'm not the youngest anymore, either... I've actually been accused of being the oldest one around here. My eyes are not very well anymore - I'm wearing glasses all day - but I have no problem reading anything on screen, even in the highest resolution, and regardless of what colors are used.

#9 25-04-2012 
Hmm, BO - I have not actually changed anything on your color set apart from in that mockup.

The only thing I did there was make the text in the description a slightly brighter color as it was impossible to read.

If there is something you want changing on your theme right now - then please say.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#10 25-04-2012 
and the first example is my "light" theme I helped Lee come up with. Well it was my idea but Lee helped fit it into the site. I hope it's not the washed out one lol.
[Image: sig55.jpg]


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