• Little Buddy for your Vampire in Training
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sims2 #1
Here's a cute little vampire teddy bear for your Sims 2 game. It's actually an EA Games creation, included in the Sims 3 Supernatural expansion. Honeywell saw it in that game and was amazingly sweet enough to extract the mesh and texture for me to use in my Sims 2 game. Thanks, Honeywell!

I had to edit the texture a little though - had to add colour since Sims 3 textures are greyscale, and I edited the face a little too - mostly to get rid of the scary red eyes on the original bear. It's not the clearest texture since it's so small (256x256) but I think it's good enough for the small object that it is. Kids and adults can play with the teddy bear too, of course.

Please note: This is a NEW object. It's not a recolour of the basegame bear - couldn't do that since the uvmap of this one is completely different.

Catalogue Location: Buy > Misc. > Kids
Price: §49 (same as basegame and EP teddy bears)
Poly count: 994 (lower than the basegame Sims 2 bear)

Special thanks for Honeywell for extracting the mesh and texture from Sims 3, and to BloomsBase for this tutorial on transferring the bone assignments from the basegame teddy to this new one - it was immensely helpful!

Update: More Supernatural bears now available here! Yay! It looks like Sims99Fanatic did a great job on them. Big Grin
x 19

CREDIT and LINK if you use my stuff.

Mesh and texture edits (aka recolours) are welcome.

You may include my meshes with your recolours.

You may include my content with your own packaged Sims and Lots.

Please do not redistribute my original files in any other way.

Please do not redistribute my sims or altered versions of them.

Please do not post any part of my work on any paysite, including TSR (The Sims Resource).

Have fun!

Little Buddy for your Vampire in Training Screenshot Little Buddy for your Vampire in Training Screenshot Little Buddy for your Vampire in Training Screenshot Little Buddy for your Vampire in Training Screenshot Little Buddy for your Vampire in Training Screenshot Little Buddy for your Vampire in Training Screenshot Little Buddy for your Vampire in Training Screenshot Little Buddy for your Vampire in Training Screenshot
Download link
Filesize 72.28 KB | File Name Vampire Teddy Bear.rar | # of Downloads 2,010  
#2 21-09-2012
OMG! Bear abuse! That child is so trying to empty the poor bear's pockets with the intention of s-t-e-a-l-i-n-g! Why else would he be hanging it upside down by the feet like that? Tsk, tsk. And LOOK- farther on he's checking it's pockets after getting it dizzy dancing with it. Shame, shame, shame.

* mustluvcatz downloads and vows to protect poor bear from any future mis-use and abuse

#3 21-09-2012
So sweet, great job! Smile

#4 21-09-2012
So fast. OMG, you speed worker.

Also, is that Toddler Godric? Or a relative?


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