• Leefish Exclusive: Maternity Muumuu
  • Uploader:
sims3 #1
* daluved1 blows dust off her forum

It's be a long while since I posted here. Life has been busy and I've been preocuppied with the growing simblr community.

Anyhoos, as a sorta kinda Christmas/Where have you been gift, I present a simple maternity conversion.

[Image: thumb640x480]

I always thought it was weird how EA didn't enable the Muumuu for maternity wear. One would think that a muumuu would be the ideal outfit for a pregnant sim. Silly EA...

I simply added a pregnancy morph to the mesh, everything else is the same. I tried to make this default replacement mesh instead of a new CAS item, but I couldn't figure it out. This means that it will show up as another outfit in CAS. But, I made it easy to distinguish the maternity version from the regular one. Just look for this thumbnail:

[Image: thumb640x480]

I also went ahead and enabled it for everyday and formal wear. It's not the most stylish dress, but on a pregnant sim (with the right patterns of course) this looks pretty cute as a regular dress.
x 33

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Leefish Exclusive: Maternity Muumuu Screenshot Leefish Exclusive: Maternity Muumuu Screenshot Leefish Exclusive: Maternity Muumuu Screenshot        
Download link
Filesize 297.17 KB | File Name daluved1_afMatEnabledMuuMuu-PACKAGE.rar | # of Downloads 1,037  
Filesize 341.38 KB | File Name daluved1_afMatEnabledMuuMuu-SIMS3PACK.rar | # of Downloads 490  
#2 25-12-2012
Wow, hi dal! It's good to see you here. Nice dress too. Silly EA indeed. Smile

#3 25-12-2012
  • Fishlike Associate
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Hello Fansee Ganderina Katina Lee Big Grin

#4 27-12-2012
Hi dal, thanks for the link to tumblr - all leefish uploads are posted to tumblr - but I guess you already read that.

You can find our tumblr link here on the front page, or at http://leesester.tumblr.com (currently asploded 03.00 27.12)


Sorry, that is a members only option