Deleting Inactive members
We have a lot of inactive members on leefish - people who joined in 2010 and never posted and were never online except to register 
I already got rid of some of them, I am thinking of deleting some more. What are your thoughts?

I already got rid of some of them, I am thinking of deleting some more. What are your thoughts?
The site don't jive? PRESS F5

Haven't been on the site since they registered in 2010? It's highly unlikely they'd care or even notice. Delete away.
My guess is they thought they needed to register to download. Can't say I've ever deleted anyone off my site... which makes me think I should lol.
@Michelle, to me a member is someone who posts and participates on the forums.
I have considered making it members only to download, as I think that it is nice to be able to use some of the site features which you don't get as a guest.
I also think a member is more likely to leave a comment (as we have no guest posting) so really the barrier is in the wrong place. There is no incentive to post and thank a creator if you can just dl as a guest, and to sign up to say thank you is less likely than to sign up and get the dl and say thanks etc while downloading as it is so easy then.
I have considered making it members only to download, as I think that it is nice to be able to use some of the site features which you don't get as a guest.
I also think a member is more likely to leave a comment (as we have no guest posting) so really the barrier is in the wrong place. There is no incentive to post and thank a creator if you can just dl as a guest, and to sign up to say thank you is less likely than to sign up and get the dl and say thanks etc while downloading as it is so easy then.
I've heard it said there are two kinds on forums, posters and lurkers; pretty obvious what I am.
Is there anyway you can tell who might just lurk, like on a list of who is on? I wouldn't want to delete lurkers. but that's just me, I'm a big softie. Your site, you do whatever you like!

As I recall, I joined in 2010, but didn't start posting until 2012. I believe, I joined because I wanted to like something I downloaded... I think?
I'm all for deleting inactive members if it's causing any bother for you. If it isn't... then entirely up to you.
I'm all for deleting inactive members if it's causing any bother for you. If it isn't... then entirely up to you.
Well, what I am doing is, if the date of joining AND the last visit is three years ago AND the time online was under 5 minutes - then I am gonna assume they wont be back and were possibly spammers rather than real members. IF a member has a post(even if only one post) then I won't delete them ever. 
Also, if I recognise a users name from MTS or something I won't delete them either.

Also, if I recognise a users name from MTS or something I won't delete them either.
I must admit that I don't like having to register just to see the downloads on a site, but if I saw something I liked I would register. I lurked on Leefish for sometime before I joined. I have also been a member, downloading at MTS since 2006 but only started posting at the end of 2011.
I think what you're doing sounds like a good plan
I think what you're doing sounds like a good plan

Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.