• Wall Mounted Desk
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sims3 #1
Space saving wall mounted desk. This desk is about 75% of the size of the normal desks, with way more space to put things. 15 slots, 3 presets, 352 polys, found in Surfaces/Desks, price: $350.
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#17 27-08-2013
The only alternative would be to adjust the depth; enlarge the desk surface. But that defies the whole point of saving space... Confused

#18 27-08-2013
If it is a one tile wall-mounted item it would be still be space saving even if the depth is adjusted. There will most likely be clipping at the corners of the desk, but it will still make great shots and convenient usage, don't you think?

#19 27-08-2013
Obviously I can edit the mesh - and the texture - to make it stick out further.

If the goal is the space saving then even more will need to be done to make it actually FIT on a one tile space. The same issue that prevents the chair movement also prevents centering the chair on the desk, this TS3 version is a two tile object.

I will have a look, but it is VERY big for one tile.

see pic link .. http://www.modyourpanties.com/hosting/48...ckcomp.jpg

#20 27-08-2013
Judging from your screencap, depth extension would be awkward. If it were offset, would the chairs still recognize it and shift inwards? I find whenever i use snapobjectstogrid false with tables, my chairs don't slide in. It looks so awesome in your screenie though *drool* How to make it work?!


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