• Wall Mounted Desk
  • Uploader:
sims3 #1
Space saving wall mounted desk. This desk is about 75% of the size of the normal desks, with way more space to put things. 15 slots, 3 presets, 352 polys, found in Surfaces/Desks, price: $350.
x 50

Please contact cmo.

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#21 27-08-2013
I got it to work in game the best by using the snap objects to grid Sad

It IS fiddly but it can be done, though it helps to have a sim on the lot. Once the chair is in place it is IN place and the sim gets in the chair animated and everything. It's actually the width that is the issue more than the depth in my opinion.

The table that is overlaid on the milkshape screencap is a onetile desk from lunie, and you can see that the hutches on the side (which is what makes it nice) are totally sticking out. If I trim those down to the middle there is nowhere for a computer screen.

#22 29-08-2013
Thanks, cmo, this is awesome.

#23 31-08-2013
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On the desk there is only a computer and A LOT of tissues…
I don’t wanna know what’s going on there Confused

But to be serious, it’s a very cool item Smile

#24 31-08-2013
*lol* I never thought of it that way, but yeah a computer and a ton of tissues... in Japan--especially if it's related to the Akiba area--that is automatically something R-rated ::tries to drag mind out of the gutter but flails and fails::


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