Leefisher Library
#1 21-12-2013 
So, my goal between now and end of January is to integrate the videos and bookcase forums into one - rename it to leefisher library and open up the options to cover books/films/games/recipes and random videos.

I have restyled the book case forum and now I need to work on the new topic and edit topic templates.

I hope you like it so far, let me know if anything is bust on the books Tongue
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#2 21-12-2013 
If you were to integrate them, would thought-out book reviews be pushed down by 'look at this funny vid I saw' videos and music videos? Sad

#3 21-12-2013 
Nope, because there will be a filter, so you can select what you want to see. Like it is in the downloads. So instead of selecting sims2 or sims3 you can select book review, or film review, or game review, or recipe, or daft videos Big Grin

Alternatively, I might just bung all the videos in the tea room.

#4 21-12-2013 
I like it! Love that we'll have a place to share film and game recommendations in addition to books.

We get to keep the "what are you listening to right now" thread too right? I'm kind of attached to that thread. Tongue

#5 21-12-2013 
Yea, that is why I think of shifting the videos to tea room - they sort of go with that thread Big Grin

#6 22-12-2013 
Rock on! Thank you. And thanks for updating the book review section for Firefox!

#7 24-12-2013 
Ok, styling is finished, new review and edit review templates are in place, I just need to add the two new genre lists and we are done Big Grin


Sorry, that is a members only option
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