sims2 #1
It's hair for Benji! Modeled by Kit. Also wearable by Jimmys and Jeremys. Use on other sims at your own risk.

I actually made this long ago and posted it on tumblr with lazy mirror screencaps instead of proper preview pics. Then this week a lovely leefisher wanted a silver version for adults, so I whipped one up quick as I could. Might as well post the whole set here for the sake of completion, right? And finally take proper preview pics while I'm at it.

  • all-ages, colour-binned, family-linked, compressed
  • poly count is 1428

  • elder grey: shows up in elder grey bin; requires the black hair to work; included in the main "8 Colours + Mesh" file
  • adult grey: shows up in the custom bin; works for young adults, adults, and elders; uploaded in a SEPARATE FILE that doesn't include the mesh since it's a bonus addon thingie

BONUS: matching scruffy beard (colour-binned and compressed)

Enjoy. Smile
x 35

CREDIT and LINK if you use my stuff.

Mesh and texture edits (aka recolours) are welcome.

You may include my meshes with your recolours.

You may include my content with your own packaged Sims and Lots.

Please do not redistribute my original files in any other way.

Please do not redistribute my sims or altered versions of them.

Please do not post any part of my work on any paysite, including TSR (The Sims Resource).

Have fun!

Benji Hair (in 9 Colours) Screenshot Benji Hair (in 9 Colours) Screenshot Benji Hair (in 9 Colours) Screenshot Benji Hair (in 9 Colours) Screenshot Benji Hair (in 9 Colours) Screenshot      
Download link
Filesize 909.07 KB | File Name fanseelamb -- Benji Hair - All Ages - Male -- 8 Colours + MESH.rar | # of Downloads 4,725  
Filesize 87.13 KB | File Name fanseelamb -- Benji Hair -- Grey Adults.rar | # of Downloads 1,518  
Filesize 1.04 MB | File Name fanseelamb -- scruffy beard -- 7 colours [binned].rar | # of Downloads 2,283  
#2 09-05-2014
One of my all time favourite fanseelamb hairs Big Grin

#3 09-05-2014
very debonair.

#4 09-05-2014
@leefish - Awwww. Heart

@Karen Lorraine - Haha, glad you think so! Benji is actually a scruffy anarchist who lives in the woods. He is charming, but I never imagined his hair would be described as debonair. Tongue


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