Textures are in PNG format and extracted from Base Game.

Download Base Game Textures

Includes Wood, Metal, Stone, Water, Soil, and others. 50 in all.

Will add textures from other expansions as I extract them.

These are extracted from
\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Sims3D\Textures.package.

The other files in this folder contain all the bits and pieces that make up sims and objects. Objects06 - Objects09.package have the TXTR images and the LIF0 images that make up every object in the game - both recolourable buyable and not.

Objects01 - Objects05 have the other bits that make up the objects - CRES, GMND, etc.

Resource - EA Textures Screenshot      
Download link
Filesize 524.75 KB | File Name BGtextures_metals.zip | # of Downloads 57  
Filesize 688.94 KB | File Name BGtextures_stone.zip | # of Downloads 54  
Filesize 1.94 MB | File Name BGtextures_woods.zip | # of Downloads 57  
Filesize 2.06 MB | File Name BGtextures_misc.zip | # of Downloads 50  
#2 16-05-2014
ooh so useful, thank you Kiri.

#3 19-05-2014
Thank you Kiri - very useful indeed.

#4 19-05-2014
I saw what you did there Lee - Thanks!! Big Grin

#5 19-05-2014
Yea, its experimental - testing out the new multiupload feature. Sorry for using your thread as a guinea pig, but it was just perfect.

#6 05-06-2014
Thank you Kiri Big Grin

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