• 3t2 Icecream Dress - Patterned
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sims2 #1
I finally found some time for creating something small. I adore this dress and I wanted to spice up the skirt a bit. Included are four different recolors with a solid top and patterned skirt. Four, because one of my new rules to keep the size of my downloads folder manageable is to only have four recolors for each mesh.

[Image: thumb640x480]

Top-Only Dress
AF recolors only, TF will follow when I figure out how to texture-link them.
Mesh is not included, you can get it from DeeDee-Sims.

EA for the original mesh.
Lemonlion for the 3t2 conversion.
DeeDee-Sims for making the top-only version.
Allisas/Simper-fi for the textures I mercilessly ripped apart to create this.
Colorlovers for the patterns.
x 10

You may do whatever you want as long as you credit me with a link and don't make any money from it.
Please do not convert anything from TS2 to TS3 because I might want to do that myself some time.

3t2 Icecream Dress - Patterned Screenshot 3t2 Icecream Dress - Patterned Screenshot 3t2 Icecream Dress - Patterned Screenshot        
Download link
Filesize 318.19 KB | File Name Klaartje_3t2IcecreamDress_TopOnlyRC.7z | # of Downloads 264  
#5 07-06-2015
That's beautiful!! Thank you!

#6 07-06-2015
(07-06-2015 11:18 AM)BoilingOil Wrote:  Nice dress, Klaartje!

But I do need to say... With only four recolors of any mesh, that means you need to have a lot of meshes. Most meshes are waaayyyy bigger than recolors. So you're not doing your Downloads folder a favor.

On clothes though its the recolor that is colossal - minimum size is 1024 square png (transparencies)

#7 07-06-2015
Truly?? In that case, I must retract my comment. What was I thinking?

#8 07-06-2015
They're so cute! And 4 recolours per mesh! That's a great rule.... which I could never stick to. Tongue

ETA: Yes indeed with clothes the mesh is usually a smaller file than the recolour. Limiting the number of recolours you allow yourself per mesh is a good idea since you'll probably still want all kinds of different meshes no matter how many recolours you keep. In theory, anyway. In reality OMG where's the yellow oneee.........


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