Sims 2 and Windows 10
#1 06-04-2016 
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Has anyone had trouble loading Sims 2 extensions on Windows 10? I have a new computer with Windows 10. I can load Sims 2, but when I try to load the extensions and am asked to insert disk 4 of Sims 2 to update, I get an error message, "TS2UPD.exe has stopped working" and the installation fails. Does anyone know what this is and how to fix it? Is it likely to be a compatibility issue or is it my computer or my copy of the game that is the problem.

There doesn't seem to be Log folder in my EA games folder in order to attach the config-log.txt

#2 06-04-2016 
Yeah you need to follow this tutorial:

Using Grumpy Loader to install the updates is key. Windows 8 and 10 somehow fail at loading the updates the normal way, making it impossible to install the game unless you follow that tutorial.

Don't be frightened by the tutorial's seemingly difficult process. It's really quite simple once you get into it. Trust me, I've done it 3 times now.

PS: Windows 10 is not the most stable operating system. I very strongly suggest keeping current backups of all your important files.

#3 10-04-2016 
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Thank you for the link.It seems to be designed for Windows 8. I ahve Windows 10 and I am seeing some discrepancies. I don't see an autoplay file; I see Autorun. Also, I don't have a "Run in compatibility mode"; I have "Troubleshoot compatibility" and then it recommends a setting which is XP SP3. I am not given any other options. Are there adjustments I need to make for Windows 10 specifically?

#4 10-04-2016 
Right, it's called Autorun. It's the same thing.

For compatibility mode you have to right-click the .exe file and choose "properties". Then click the "compatibility" tab and you'll find the compatibility mode tickbox and dropdown menu.

#5 11-04-2016 

Actually in Windows 10, it doesn't have a compatibility tab anymore - just troubleshoot compatibility. It's a pain in the neck, I know.


When you do the troubleshoot compatibility - XP SP3 is quite ok.

#6 12-04-2016 
But I'm on Windows 10. I go to the file properties and there's a compatibility tab in there. It only shows up on .exe files so if you're testing on a .jpg or something you won't see it.

#7 12-04-2016 
Fansee, can you add a screenshot please? It might be useful.

#8 12-04-2016 
@fanseelamb hmmm that's interesting - because I've definitely had some people on Windows 10 that didn't have that compatibility tab, and I got them to screenshot it for me so I could see.

I wonder what it is, that sets it off like that?

#9 13-04-2016 
Hmm this is weird. I just went to my Sims2EP9.exe file properties to get a screenshot and indeed there's no compatibility tab. But earlier I was testing on another .exe file, totally unrelated to Sims, and it did have a compatibility tab. There was also definitely a compatibility tab on the .exe files I used to install the game - those were the AutoRun .exe files on the original game CDs, and the Grumpy Loader .exe file.



So it seems to vary from file to file.

#10 13-04-2016 
Yeah - I think it's a Windows 10 stuff-up. The important thing is that regardless of whether there's a tab or not, it can be set in compatibility mode.


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