Show Us Your Sims!
Wasn't there a picture forum around here where people could upload screenshots of their Simmy families, households and individuals? It seems to have disappeared, right when I was moseying in to add something to it. Bother. 
Nil desperandum. For want of a now-missing "Show Us Your Sims" forum, perhaps this topic will make do. And maybe we can put it to use a little something like this:
Family or Household Name: The Zombies
Lot: Zee-Zed-Zulu House
Lot Type: Campus House/Greek House
Numbers in Household: Five Young Adults — Three Men, Two Women. All Zombies.
In Brief: After being kicked out of Castle Von Carstein under charges of Excessive Shambling without a License, these five zombified college students were quite happy to get out of the castle anyway, as it was far too big for their languid pace, a problem which several near-failures to get to their Final Exams demonstrated quite clearly. Taking up residence in the most decrepit house on campus (which was also ideally sized for their needs), the Zombies got the bright idea to start their own Greek House charter: Zee-Zed-Zulu, the zombiest, zombie-friendliest fratersorority on campus!
Membership is open to all worthy Sim State University students, not just the undead ones. But honestly, how many living people want to share a dilapidated house with a pack of icky, smelly, gurgling zombies?
![[Image: ShowUsYourSims-Zombies1-1.jpg]](
![[Image: ShowUsYourSims-Zombies1-2.png]](
The Zombies household: Bobbie Styx, Linda Cocytus, Sam Acheron, Mary Lethe, Joe Phlegethon.
Bobbie: The jock. Natural Fitness enthusiast. Secretly dreams of beating up the Unsavory Charlatan (quite likely) and running without the aid of a treadmill (fat chance).
Linda: The foodie. Natural Cuisine enthusiast. Aspires to become a celebrity chef one day, but worries about embarrassing herself on live TV by losing little gray pieces of herself in the soup.
Sam: The gamer geek. Holds a high score on Q*bert (supposedly). His sluggish and deceptively dimwitted appearance make him a natural at hustling bets on billiards games.
Mary and Joe: Urban primitives and natural Nature lovers. Don't miss the big city one lick, and dream of managing a successful fruit farm together (even though neighboring farmers may not be very welcoming to the "axe-crazy monster people" next door. Thanks, horror movies!).
Family or Household Name: The Zombies II (...unofficially named "Zombies II: The Revenge" or "Zombies II: Electric Boogaloo," but those names were too long to fit into the itty-bitty name space.)
Lot: Hillingham House (presently)
Lot Type: Dorm
Numbers in Household: Six Young Adults — Three Men, Three Women. All Zombies.
In Brief: As the first wave of zombies prepares to wrap up their post-graduation affairs and leave campus, the future of Zee-Zed-Zulu hangs in the balance. As if in answer, the Great Cosmic Zombie Force made its next move, tragically striking down six promising high school graduates for no good reason. But so strong was the appeal of finishing their Bachelors Degrees and making something of themselves that they showed up for their first classes at Sim State University anyway. Now that's determination!
But the House's founders won't give stewardship over the charter to just anybody. Can the new blood prove themselves to the old guard before Zee-Zed-Zulu is left to tumble into its own untimely grave?
![[Image: ShowUsYourSims-Zombies2-1.png]](
![[Image: ShowUsYourSims-Zombies2-2.png]](
The Zombies II household: Antonio Osiris, Gwendolyn Hel, Reginald Hades, Leigh Morrigan, Louis Samedi, Sarah Azrael.
Antonio: Aspiring rogue scientist. Has already netted a thousand Simoleons — plus a bitter feud with the Burb family — through his reckless telescope use.
Gwendolyn: Aspiring chessmaster. Presently rules the dorm's billiards table with an iron fist. Claims to love bowling, despite having never set foot in a bowling alley before.
Reginald: Grumpy, no-nonsense fitness freak. Wants to live the dream of developing video games, despite not having a lick of gaming talent to his name. Not bad with a benchpress, though!
Leigh: Aspiring author and journalist. Takes issue with words like "zombie" and "undead," preferring the term "cardiovascularly challenged".
Louis: Up-and-coming jazz musician. Dreams of moving south and building his own bayou (...somehow). Wonders how Leigh can even pronounce "cardiovascularly challenged".
Sarah: Wants to be the Supreme Leader of a singing, dancing Doomsday cult. Dismisses concerns about the high failure rates and innate contrariness of such cults as "poppycock". that, for starters.
So...what's in your neighborhood?

Nil desperandum. For want of a now-missing "Show Us Your Sims" forum, perhaps this topic will make do. And maybe we can put it to use a little something like this:

Family or Household Name: The Zombies
Lot: Zee-Zed-Zulu House
Lot Type: Campus House/Greek House
Numbers in Household: Five Young Adults — Three Men, Two Women. All Zombies.
In Brief: After being kicked out of Castle Von Carstein under charges of Excessive Shambling without a License, these five zombified college students were quite happy to get out of the castle anyway, as it was far too big for their languid pace, a problem which several near-failures to get to their Final Exams demonstrated quite clearly. Taking up residence in the most decrepit house on campus (which was also ideally sized for their needs), the Zombies got the bright idea to start their own Greek House charter: Zee-Zed-Zulu, the zombiest, zombie-friendliest fratersorority on campus!
Membership is open to all worthy Sim State University students, not just the undead ones. But honestly, how many living people want to share a dilapidated house with a pack of icky, smelly, gurgling zombies?
![[Image: ShowUsYourSims-Zombies1-1.jpg]](
![[Image: ShowUsYourSims-Zombies1-2.png]](
The Zombies household: Bobbie Styx, Linda Cocytus, Sam Acheron, Mary Lethe, Joe Phlegethon.
Bobbie: The jock. Natural Fitness enthusiast. Secretly dreams of beating up the Unsavory Charlatan (quite likely) and running without the aid of a treadmill (fat chance).
Linda: The foodie. Natural Cuisine enthusiast. Aspires to become a celebrity chef one day, but worries about embarrassing herself on live TV by losing little gray pieces of herself in the soup.
Sam: The gamer geek. Holds a high score on Q*bert (supposedly). His sluggish and deceptively dimwitted appearance make him a natural at hustling bets on billiards games.
Mary and Joe: Urban primitives and natural Nature lovers. Don't miss the big city one lick, and dream of managing a successful fruit farm together (even though neighboring farmers may not be very welcoming to the "axe-crazy monster people" next door. Thanks, horror movies!).
Family or Household Name: The Zombies II (...unofficially named "Zombies II: The Revenge" or "Zombies II: Electric Boogaloo," but those names were too long to fit into the itty-bitty name space.)
Lot: Hillingham House (presently)
Lot Type: Dorm
Numbers in Household: Six Young Adults — Three Men, Three Women. All Zombies.
In Brief: As the first wave of zombies prepares to wrap up their post-graduation affairs and leave campus, the future of Zee-Zed-Zulu hangs in the balance. As if in answer, the Great Cosmic Zombie Force made its next move, tragically striking down six promising high school graduates for no good reason. But so strong was the appeal of finishing their Bachelors Degrees and making something of themselves that they showed up for their first classes at Sim State University anyway. Now that's determination!
But the House's founders won't give stewardship over the charter to just anybody. Can the new blood prove themselves to the old guard before Zee-Zed-Zulu is left to tumble into its own untimely grave?
![[Image: ShowUsYourSims-Zombies2-1.png]](
![[Image: ShowUsYourSims-Zombies2-2.png]](
The Zombies II household: Antonio Osiris, Gwendolyn Hel, Reginald Hades, Leigh Morrigan, Louis Samedi, Sarah Azrael.
Antonio: Aspiring rogue scientist. Has already netted a thousand Simoleons — plus a bitter feud with the Burb family — through his reckless telescope use.
Gwendolyn: Aspiring chessmaster. Presently rules the dorm's billiards table with an iron fist. Claims to love bowling, despite having never set foot in a bowling alley before.
Reginald: Grumpy, no-nonsense fitness freak. Wants to live the dream of developing video games, despite not having a lick of gaming talent to his name. Not bad with a benchpress, though!
Leigh: Aspiring author and journalist. Takes issue with words like "zombie" and "undead," preferring the term "cardiovascularly challenged".
Louis: Up-and-coming jazz musician. Dreams of moving south and building his own bayou (...somehow). Wonders how Leigh can even pronounce "cardiovascularly challenged".
Sarah: Wants to be the Supreme Leader of a singing, dancing Doomsday cult. Dismisses concerns about the high failure rates and innate contrariness of such cults as "poppycock". that, for starters.
So...what's in your neighborhood?

Pizzatron-9000, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Aug 2018.
Aw, thank you kindly! 
I'm a bit eclectic in playstyles, to be honest. I play storylines with some of my Simmy households (ie. my aspiring archvampire Carmilla von Carstein striving to place herself highest among the High Vampires of Pleasantview, Doctor Malevolence building his army of Servos and trying to sell "sleeper agents" into every household for when his bid at conquest over Pleasantview comes, et cetera). The rest of the households are mostly for casual play, with one or two for present, anyway. Previous Simmy guinea pigs have moved out of "experimental" status and have graduated to become either story Sims or casual-play Sims; I started off with Marylin Lupina trying to marry Malcolm Landgraab IV, her daughter Jolene ended up befriending an alpha wolf, my focus shifted to Jolene and the prospect of having my first werewolf ever, and now Jolene's one of Pleasantview's movers and shakers, with a gazillion friends and lovers, four blooming businesses and ten dogs who love her very much. And Marylin came to decide that genuine love is better than money and prestige, so she ended up breaking off her engagement with Malcolm, stumbling across Cole Fleig in Three Lakes, marrying him instead (after a courtship spanning two more vacations) and settling into a foothill cabin on the outskirts of Bluewater Village. So Jolene has a stepfather and two half-sisters now.
![[Image: MeetMarshaFenmore.png]](
More than a few of my Sims have Bios added or amended whenever inspiration strikes me (like Carmilla plotting to remove Jessica Ebadi from the board after the latter burgled her manor, a plot which was on the verge of success when Carmilla yielded to her pangs of guilt and let Jessica live; Carmilla's bio is becoming quite a mess with such events, relationship changes and this-and-that edited in....), and occasionally I actually bother to use the game's "photo blog" feature. And by "occasionally," I mean "rarely." That feature's kind of a mess.
I don't like to pull the details out of thin air, though; I prefer to take each Sim's personality, Aspiration, skills, Lifetime Want(s), relationships and so many other details into account when cooking up something. Nice clothes are for Neat Sims, rags are for Sloppy Sims. For example, Marsha there. She's a guinea pig created to help me try out a new dorm that I just built, but I felt a little bit frisky and got a bit more in-depth with her and the rest of her household. The dorm's in a bayou or a swamp, so she became a swamp person. She's going to college and I decided on Fortune for her Aspiration, and swamp people are typically dirt poor, so she's a bayou kid who never was fond of living in a bayou, decided to go to college in hopes of landing a great career, striking it rich and putting the bayou behind her. And she's a natural Fitness hobbyist, so she didn't fly, drive or catch a bus; she trainjumped. Stealing rides on passing freight trains is not for the weak. And being Sloppy herself (because when you live in a bog, trying to keep everything clean, fragrant and orderly is a losing battle), none of her present clothing selections are anything a sane person would wear to a job interview.
(What's the difference between swamps and bayous, anyway? I think the difference is that a swamp is some land with a lot of water in it, while a bayou is some water with a lot of land in it. Something like that.)
And sometimes, inspiration comes in the form of a Buy Mode object or some other trivial thing. The menorah which came with Holiday Stuff prodded me into making a Jewish Sim, so now Portia Rubinia is running her little kosher sandwich shop in Bluewater Village, lighting her menorah every winter (at two candles a day; a five-day Simmy winter and eight nights of Hannukah don't mesh too well), and trying to get away from the sandwich shop just long enough to find Mister Right; maybe then she won't be so lonely and the sandwich shop can become a family business.
Anyway, enough about my Sims. Tell me about yours!

I'm a bit eclectic in playstyles, to be honest. I play storylines with some of my Simmy households (ie. my aspiring archvampire Carmilla von Carstein striving to place herself highest among the High Vampires of Pleasantview, Doctor Malevolence building his army of Servos and trying to sell "sleeper agents" into every household for when his bid at conquest over Pleasantview comes, et cetera). The rest of the households are mostly for casual play, with one or two for present, anyway. Previous Simmy guinea pigs have moved out of "experimental" status and have graduated to become either story Sims or casual-play Sims; I started off with Marylin Lupina trying to marry Malcolm Landgraab IV, her daughter Jolene ended up befriending an alpha wolf, my focus shifted to Jolene and the prospect of having my first werewolf ever, and now Jolene's one of Pleasantview's movers and shakers, with a gazillion friends and lovers, four blooming businesses and ten dogs who love her very much. And Marylin came to decide that genuine love is better than money and prestige, so she ended up breaking off her engagement with Malcolm, stumbling across Cole Fleig in Three Lakes, marrying him instead (after a courtship spanning two more vacations) and settling into a foothill cabin on the outskirts of Bluewater Village. So Jolene has a stepfather and two half-sisters now.

![[Image: MeetMarshaFenmore.png]](
More than a few of my Sims have Bios added or amended whenever inspiration strikes me (like Carmilla plotting to remove Jessica Ebadi from the board after the latter burgled her manor, a plot which was on the verge of success when Carmilla yielded to her pangs of guilt and let Jessica live; Carmilla's bio is becoming quite a mess with such events, relationship changes and this-and-that edited in....), and occasionally I actually bother to use the game's "photo blog" feature. And by "occasionally," I mean "rarely." That feature's kind of a mess.

I don't like to pull the details out of thin air, though; I prefer to take each Sim's personality, Aspiration, skills, Lifetime Want(s), relationships and so many other details into account when cooking up something. Nice clothes are for Neat Sims, rags are for Sloppy Sims. For example, Marsha there. She's a guinea pig created to help me try out a new dorm that I just built, but I felt a little bit frisky and got a bit more in-depth with her and the rest of her household. The dorm's in a bayou or a swamp, so she became a swamp person. She's going to college and I decided on Fortune for her Aspiration, and swamp people are typically dirt poor, so she's a bayou kid who never was fond of living in a bayou, decided to go to college in hopes of landing a great career, striking it rich and putting the bayou behind her. And she's a natural Fitness hobbyist, so she didn't fly, drive or catch a bus; she trainjumped. Stealing rides on passing freight trains is not for the weak. And being Sloppy herself (because when you live in a bog, trying to keep everything clean, fragrant and orderly is a losing battle), none of her present clothing selections are anything a sane person would wear to a job interview.

(What's the difference between swamps and bayous, anyway? I think the difference is that a swamp is some land with a lot of water in it, while a bayou is some water with a lot of land in it. Something like that.)
And sometimes, inspiration comes in the form of a Buy Mode object or some other trivial thing. The menorah which came with Holiday Stuff prodded me into making a Jewish Sim, so now Portia Rubinia is running her little kosher sandwich shop in Bluewater Village, lighting her menorah every winter (at two candles a day; a five-day Simmy winter and eight nights of Hannukah don't mesh too well), and trying to get away from the sandwich shop just long enough to find Mister Right; maybe then she won't be so lonely and the sandwich shop can become a family business.
Anyway, enough about my Sims. Tell me about yours!

(This post was last modified: 12-10-2018 05:45 AM by Pizzatron-9000.)
Ah. So the Sims games are mostly an outlet for your inner architect. Got it. 
Isn't it great how the Sims games are flexible enough to suit a wide variety of players and their playstyles and preferences, from architects, to playwrights, to powergamers, to success-driven amateur businesspeople, to masochistic Apocalypse survivalists, to those gibbering closet-monsters who create entire Simmy neighborhoods just to kill their Sims off one by one (or in droves if they can) in various horrific ways? Yeah, we don't talk about that last type of Simmer very often. They're kind of depressing.

Isn't it great how the Sims games are flexible enough to suit a wide variety of players and their playstyles and preferences, from architects, to playwrights, to powergamers, to success-driven amateur businesspeople, to masochistic Apocalypse survivalists, to those gibbering closet-monsters who create entire Simmy neighborhoods just to kill their Sims off one by one (or in droves if they can) in various horrific ways? Yeah, we don't talk about that last type of Simmer very often. They're kind of depressing.

Its super strange, because I always tell people I don't really play sims, and my sims are just there to test stuff, yet it is my testing sims I have the most connection with. A good example is my Duckling family; I was trying to make a Ryan Gosling sim, and I got a sim that looked a BIT like him, but not a lot. So I called that sim Bryan Duckling and put him in my game. He actually breeds really cute male sims, one of which, Jacob, is a retired rock star (there are still posters of him in leetown) who is now trying to discover the secret of eternal youth. Unfortunately, while in college, Jacob was the victim of Elise Deeple who was looking for a sperm donor to help fulfil her wish to have children (she is in a samesex union), and now Jacob is a recluse while he tries to figure out how to deal with a teenage son called Cody knocking on his door (who is a fortune sim and probably after the Duckling family fortune).
![[Image: tumblr_n8gn6up9Eo1r7di75o1_500.jpg]](
I made an edit of that picture and added it to the Rockband Poster I got from somewhere. See attached file.
BRYAN and CHARLES (Jacob's little brother)
![[Image: tumblr_n8iasoBswV1r7di75o2_r1_1280.jpg]](
But I don't play sims.
![[Image: tumblr_n8gn6up9Eo1r7di75o1_500.jpg]](
I made an edit of that picture and added it to the Rockband Poster I got from somewhere. See attached file.
BRYAN and CHARLES (Jacob's little brother)
![[Image: tumblr_n8iasoBswV1r7di75o2_r1_1280.jpg]](
But I don't play sims.

See? You have the spark of creation too! (I like to think that most Simmers do.) Surely you have more Simmy families than this, right? 
And come on, Jacob! Stop being Elise's doormat, stop hiding inside your own house and go confront her about how she used you!
(...or is he too Shy and/or Nice to pull that off?)
As for the secret to eternal youth, that's easy! Jacob just needs to wander downtown and find one of those pale people wearing the really splendid capes and gowns. They can tell him all about it!
And I see you lurking there, celebkiriedhel! Speak up. What Sims do you play?

And come on, Jacob! Stop being Elise's doormat, stop hiding inside your own house and go confront her about how she used you!

(...or is he too Shy and/or Nice to pull that off?)
As for the secret to eternal youth, that's easy! Jacob just needs to wander downtown and find one of those pale people wearing the really splendid capes and gowns. They can tell him all about it!

And I see you lurking there, celebkiriedhel! Speak up. What Sims do you play?

I have lots of families in leetown. I started off with 4 founders. 2 single sims I made myself (who I planned to get together) a married pair I made myself and the Gavigans (HUUUUGE mistake) with no townies.
As the town progressed I hit the incest problem with generation 3 so I brought in some new sims.
Dermot Flanagan (town redhead Fortune/Family) and Jardine Bloem (Romance/Fortune), the town hairdresser with a small at home salon and Elise Hendrick (Family/Romance), the schoolteacher.
I carried on with those families, marrying in Jimmy Phoenix from college (I have a YA in the home hood mod) and just recently I added Jefferson Bryte (knowledge/fortune). Jefferson is intended to take over the Shiny Spoon diner from Geraldine Matcom because none of her children are really interested in cooking or business, and I wanted to have a go at getting a restaurant business up to 10. I think the Shiny Spoon is too small to reach level 10, so I will probably have to build a big(gish) new diner. Which will need a better sign (lengthy pause in gameplay while a sign is created).
I HAVE considered making Jacob a vampire (which would make him my first ever vampire). I am unsure...
As the town progressed I hit the incest problem with generation 3 so I brought in some new sims.
Dermot Flanagan (town redhead Fortune/Family) and Jardine Bloem (Romance/Fortune), the town hairdresser with a small at home salon and Elise Hendrick (Family/Romance), the schoolteacher.
I carried on with those families, marrying in Jimmy Phoenix from college (I have a YA in the home hood mod) and just recently I added Jefferson Bryte (knowledge/fortune). Jefferson is intended to take over the Shiny Spoon diner from Geraldine Matcom because none of her children are really interested in cooking or business, and I wanted to have a go at getting a restaurant business up to 10. I think the Shiny Spoon is too small to reach level 10, so I will probably have to build a big(gish) new diner. Which will need a better sign (lengthy pause in gameplay while a sign is created).
I HAVE considered making Jacob a vampire (which would make him my first ever vampire). I am unsure...
(12-10-2018 07:24 PM)leefish Wrote: I have lots of families in leetown. I started off with 4 founders. 2 single sims I made myself (who I planned to get together) a married pair I made myself and the Gavigans (HUUUUGE mistake) with no townies.Aw, the Gavigans aren't so bad! At least they're not the Ottomases, right?

(12-10-2018 07:24 PM)leefish Wrote: As the town progressed I hit the incest problem with generation 3 so I brought in some new sims....always a good reason to expand your Simmy population. Just say no to kissing cousins!

That reminds me: With as many vacation hood townies (or whatever you might call them...Mountainies, Tropicalies and Far Easternies, maybe?) as I've married off, sent to college or otherwise removed from the vacation hoods, I need to add some more of them to my game, because apparently they're the one type of townie that the game doesn't automatically replace. I probably won't add any tourists (because the tourists routinely annoy me, and the same tourists seem to infest every vacation hood), but more natives of all three varieties would be nice. That was originally the reason why I created my Far East family: To come up with some Far Eastern Sims who actually look Oriental in appearance, with three of them being Japanese analogs and the other three being Chinese analogs. Maybe I should follow through with that idea (and add some Thai-looking, Vietnamese-looking, Korean-looking, Filipino-looking or Mongolian-looking Sims while I'm at it).
(12-10-2018 07:24 PM)leefish Wrote: Dermot Flanagan (town redhead Fortune/Family) and Jardine Bloem (Romance/Fortune), the town hairdresser with a small at home salon and Elise Hendrick (Family/Romance), the schoolteacher.How well is your home salon there working out? I've had some success with Kiki Tsang and her hair salon/massage parlour, but not many customers seem to be interested in haircuts. They mostly come for the massages and to fill up on Kiki's free tea whenever they're not hogging her Mahjong table. Fortunately, Kiki has been on plenty of vacations and she has mastered all four massage varieties, and variety is good for business.

(12-10-2018 07:24 PM)leefish Wrote: I carried on with those families, marrying in Jimmy Phoenix from college (I have a YA in the home hood mod) and just recently I added Jefferson Bryte (knowledge/fortune). Jefferson is intended to take over the Shiny Spoon diner from Geraldine Matcom because none of her children are really interested in cooking or business, and I wanted to have a go at getting a restaurant business up to 10. I think the Shiny Spoon is too small to reach level 10, so I will probably have to build a big(gish) new diner. Which will need a better sign (lengthy pause in gameplay while a sign is created).Hold that thought for a minute.

(12-10-2018 07:24 PM)leefish Wrote: I HAVE considered making Jacob a vampire (which would make him my first ever vampire). I am unsure...Vampires are pretty cool, especially if you have a mod which prevents the usual Needs decay during daytime, as long as the vampire's indoors. Monique made one such useful mod here.
And the good news is that, contrary to folklore, vampires don't need to drink blood every night. My vampires sustain themselves on sparkly food just fine.

Speaking of sparkly food and your Shiny Spoon eatery, meet Portia Rubinia!

![[Image: MeetPortiaRubinia01.jpg]](
Aspiration: Pleasure
Secondary Aspiration: None (currently, but with a view to taking Family)
Chemistry, Turn-ons: Unemployed and Good at Cleaning (because she's the Nice, nurturing sort who enjoys caring for people and being the family's breadwinner, but she expects a tidy house in return.)
Chemistry, Turn-off: Stink (because hey, Portia may not be the tidiest person herself, but at least show some concern for your hygiene!)
Businesses: 1 — The Sparkling Tomato Deli (Level 2; sells prepared food dishes).
Business Perks: Assess Mood (Perception 1), Assess Desire (Perception 2).
Portia loves to cook! She's a good cook but an even better gardener. So she puts both of those talents to use in running the Sparkling Tomato kosher deli, predominantly selling sandwiches, soups, salads and dessert pastries. Occasionally she'll stock the cold store shelves with something new, so long as it's neither pork nor shellfish; it is a kosher deli, after all.
![[Image: MeetPortiaRubinia02.jpg]](
She lives alone in a small, two-story business building. The delicatessen's below, and she lives in the loft above it.
In part because of the Sparkling Tomato's tiny location (a wee 1x3 lot) and in part because she's decidedly lazy with a relaxed lifestyle, her business continues to struggle at being profitable (and at Business Level 2). But being a Garden Club member and keeping both a small veggie garden and a small fishing pool out behind the building help mitigate the costs of wholesale food considerably, and she's extremely charismatic, approachable and persuasive, for which her customers are almost always willing to shake her hand, hear about what nummies she prepared before sunrise that morning and take her up on her culinary suggestions. Plus, between her business experience and her keen intuition at picking up on a customer's subtle cues, she typically has a good idea of what any given customer wants and how to cook it up for them. And so the business continues to grow steadily, albeit slowly.
She also continues to grapple with being a tad overweight, but like a wise man once said, "Never trust a skinny cook."

![[Image: MeetPortiaRubinia03.jpg]](
(Ah, there's Bobbie Styx again. For a zombie, he really gets around!)
If she can ever save enough money to move her business to a larger, cozier location, she would gladly do so. She might also be in a better position to find the right man to marry and start a family. But she's not where she needs to be for all of that to happen, not yet.
And she still bakes a plate of Santa cookies and invites Santa Klaus over for Hannukah every mid-winter; the holiday season can be pretty lonely otherwise, and no one ever said that she couldn't hang out with Santa, right?

(This post was last modified: 13-10-2018 01:07 AM by Pizzatron-9000.)
(13-10-2018 12:35 AM)Pizzatron-9000 Wrote: ...always a good reason to expand your Simmy population. Just say no to kissing cousins!
On a related note... In my Pleasantview, Cassandra Goth left the parental home to marry Darren Dreamer. Then Alexander Goth grew up to a teen, and Mortimer actually married Dina Caliente, who then bore him a son, Donald. Two days later, Mortimer kicked the bucket.
And here's the sick part: two days after Morty's passing, Dina autonomously initiated casual woohoo (ACR) with Alexander, who is still a <bllep>-ing teen. No flirting, no kissing, just wham, bam, thank you step-son. One might think that my step-family romance mod would've stopped them, considering that Dina is essentially Alexander's step-mom. But with Morty dead, the game simply no longer registers that connection between them, making it fair game...

The worst thing is, this was Alexander's first time!! I've immediately put them in the friend zone towards each other... I do NOT want them to do that ever again! YIKES!!