Help with downloading a mod
So... I have this problem that I really want one or perhaps 1-3 mods but those mods are deleted at downloading site 4shared.
I don't who or how to contact someone who could maybe could help me to download those mods if it is still somehow possible, I have had those 3 mods about 2 months earlier, but then I had to restart my The sims 2 playing and download again all mods I had. But sadly those mods at ZW's Wolf Den (Zirconia Wolf) are now deleted at 4shared.
I can not even register in Simbology because I don't have access to those e-mail adresses, I am Finnish and can't register any of those required e-mails.
That is my other problem, can't register to Can someone help me, still want to play the Sims 2 with very good mods.

So... I have this problem that I really want one or perhaps 1-3 mods but those mods are deleted at downloading site 4shared.
I don't who or how to contact someone who could maybe could help me to download those mods if it is still somehow possible, I have had those 3 mods about 2 months earlier, but then I had to restart my The sims 2 playing and download again all mods I had. But sadly those mods at ZW's Wolf Den (Zirconia Wolf) are now deleted at 4shared.
I can not even register in Simbology because I don't have access to those e-mail adresses, I am Finnish and can't register any of those required e-mails.
That is my other problem, can't register to Can someone help me, still want to play the Sims 2 with very good mods.

Hi @miisu999,
Those emails suggested at Simbology aren't *required*. There are plenty of others that should also work. I was not aware, though, that all the suggested sources are no longer valid. I will have to look into finding some new suggestions for new registration. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
The whole point is that a number of well-known email sources (gmail, hotmail and a few others) are most frequently used by spammers. and nine out of every ten registrations that Simbology gets nowadays, ARE spammers. So we try to keep those addresses out at registration. When someone has been successfully registered, they can change their email address to a gmail or hotmail address at anytime, without it affecting their account. But that doesn't help you right now...
However, at the risk of @Pizzatron-9000 yammering about me power-tripping again, I'm an admin at Simbology. So if you send me a PM here with an email-address that I can use, I will use my powers to set you up with an account there.
In the meantime, I know Zirconia Wolf quite well, so I will get in touch with her and tell her about the deleted files. I'm not sure if she still plays, and whether she still has those files somewhere. But if she does, maybe everything will be fixed soon.
Those emails suggested at Simbology aren't *required*. There are plenty of others that should also work. I was not aware, though, that all the suggested sources are no longer valid. I will have to look into finding some new suggestions for new registration. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
The whole point is that a number of well-known email sources (gmail, hotmail and a few others) are most frequently used by spammers. and nine out of every ten registrations that Simbology gets nowadays, ARE spammers. So we try to keep those addresses out at registration. When someone has been successfully registered, they can change their email address to a gmail or hotmail address at anytime, without it affecting their account. But that doesn't help you right now...
However, at the risk of @Pizzatron-9000 yammering about me power-tripping again, I'm an admin at Simbology. So if you send me a PM here with an email-address that I can use, I will use my powers to set you up with an account there.
In the meantime, I know Zirconia Wolf quite well, so I will get in touch with her and tell her about the deleted files. I'm not sure if she still plays, and whether she still has those files somewhere. But if she does, maybe everything will be fixed soon.
Thank you so much for your help! And sorry I was thinking about that word (required), I wan't really sure even what that word means..
Bad English skills...
I'm really positively surprised about this. I'm going to wait happily and with joy. My email-address is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
No I must shut up.
Hups! Oh wait I don't know what is a PM?

I'm really positively surprised about this. I'm going to wait happily and with joy. My email-address is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
No I must shut up.

Hups! Oh wait I don't know what is a PM?
(This post was last modified: 24-11-2018 10:33 PM by miisu999.)
A PM is a Personal Message. You click my name or my avatar (picture) and on my Profile page you click the little envelope under my photograph. 
You should not put your email address in a post that everyone can see. I've deleted that bit of your post for you!
And because I now know your email address, you do not have to send that PM anymore, either. I will see what I can do, OK?
EDIT: I've set up an account for you with the username miisu999. If all is well, you should get an email with the password that you need to use. When you've activated your account, you should change that password to something that YOU choose.

You should not put your email address in a post that everyone can see. I've deleted that bit of your post for you!

And because I now know your email address, you do not have to send that PM anymore, either. I will see what I can do, OK?
EDIT: I've set up an account for you with the username miisu999. If all is well, you should get an email with the password that you need to use. When you've activated your account, you should change that password to something that YOU choose.

Ah, I see you've activated the account, @miisu999, so the feature to send out an email with the password worked well (I had never used that before). I'm glad I could help.
Zirconia Wolf has let me know that she *does* still have the files, but that she will need to *find* the thumbdrive (USB-stick) on which she stored them. She seems to have several of those.
So please forgive her if it takes a few days for the files to show up. I'm sure she'll let me know when it's done, and then I will put up another post here.
Zirconia Wolf has let me know that she *does* still have the files, but that she will need to *find* the thumbdrive (USB-stick) on which she stored them. She seems to have several of those.
So please forgive her if it takes a few days for the files to show up. I'm sure she'll let me know when it's done, and then I will put up another post here.

@BoilingOil You are a really good guy and I just wanted to say it. Also it is becoming harder to find some of the mods out there and I am curious as always so @miisu999 what are the mods by Zirconia Wolf that you are looking to get copies of?
Hi lordtyger9 
The mods copies that I'm looking for are: Especially I would love to have ZW's Verion of Merola's Time Control Clock and ZW's TPK Stair Mod would also be nice to have
in The sims 2 game and third I would like one of Zirconia Wolf's pregnancy mod: Pet Pregnancies/5 Day Seasons 50% Speed.

The mods copies that I'm looking for are: Especially I would love to have ZW's Verion of Merola's Time Control Clock and ZW's TPK Stair Mod would also be nice to have
in The sims 2 game and third I would like one of Zirconia Wolf's pregnancy mod: Pet Pregnancies/5 Day Seasons 50% Speed.

Thank you for the compliment, @lordtyger9.
I know what it is like to not be able to play a game the way you want, just because some files can no longer be accessed. And that's why I do all that I can to help.
ZW has already found most of her stuff. She just wants to make sure first, that none of the files are damaged or corrupted, before she uploads them.
She has also created a MediaFire account to store the files (4shared is not a pleasant system to work with), so when the stuff has been uploaded, she will need to edit the links in the Wolf Den.
It will not take too long, I imagine. Maybe a day or two...
On her behalf, I want to thank you for your patience, @miisu999.
If need be, I have a copy of the Time Control Clock available, but not the other two.
I know what it is like to not be able to play a game the way you want, just because some files can no longer be accessed. And that's why I do all that I can to help.
ZW has already found most of her stuff. She just wants to make sure first, that none of the files are damaged or corrupted, before she uploads them.
She has also created a MediaFire account to store the files (4shared is not a pleasant system to work with), so when the stuff has been uploaded, she will need to edit the links in the Wolf Den.
It will not take too long, I imagine. Maybe a day or two...
On her behalf, I want to thank you for your patience, @miisu999.
If need be, I have a copy of the Time Control Clock available, but not the other two.