• Recolors of Honeywell's Holiday Roof Lights.
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sims2 #1
Pleasant Holidays! Part 1.

Daniel Pleasant wants to win this year! If not the perfect family award, but at least the best decorated house!
[Image: pleasantholidays.jpg]

Recolors of Honeywell's Holiday Roof Lights . You naturally need those as these are only recolors Smile

Green, purple, red, yellow and blue. Matching bows ( original already has the red bow, I did not do that).
Included one pic taken at heavy snow.

Needs EP Seasons and up .

All credits to Honeywell
x 8

Recolors of Honeywell's Holiday Roof Lights. Screenshot Recolors of Honeywell's Holiday Roof Lights. Screenshot Recolors of Honeywell's Holiday Roof Lights. Screenshot Recolors of Honeywell's Holiday Roof Lights. Screenshot Recolors of Honeywell's Holiday Roof Lights. Screenshot Recolors of Honeywell's Holiday Roof Lights. Screenshot Recolors of Honeywell's Holiday Roof Lights. Screenshot Recolors of Honeywell's Holiday Roof Lights. Screenshot
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Filesize 129.77 KB | File Name Holidaylights.7z | # of Downloads 372  
#2 15-12-2018
Thank you, these look great

#3 16-12-2018
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NICE addition to an already cool light set and just in time for the holiday

#4 03-01-2019
This is lovely, stashing away for next Xmas Big Grin


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