• BO - SW-Fish-Packing-Station-Update
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sims2 #1
The 5th and last part of the "Realistic Gardening" series. Same as for Paladin's Produce-Packing-Station, but now for fish. You still need the original from SimWardrobe, but 8 of the 9 files in that package would need to be overwritten by mine.

With this mod, crates now sell at the following prices:
  • Small Bass: §213, Jumbo Bass: §319
  • Small Catfish: §266, Jumbo Catfish: §400
  • Small Trout: §319, Jumbo Trout: §480
  • Golden Trout: §639
x 13

I've used quite a few mods by others, thus taking FROM the community. With the work that *I* create, I'm hoping to give something back TO the community.

Do with my work whatever the &#$% you like. If you re-use, edit and republish my work, I consider it a compliment. Especially if you let me know about it, and mention me in the credits.

But, although I would *appreciate* the note and the credits, if you choose to be a dick and act as if YOU created my mods, there's not a whole lot I can do to stop you, so I won't even TRY.


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Filesize 1.43 MB | File Name BO - SW-Fish-Packing-Station-Update.zip | # of Downloads 1,343  
#2 04-10-2010
I have the original SW version of this. Its really neat. Ever thought of doing this for the OFB toy robots?

#3 04-10-2010
I'm a horrible artist, Lee, so I would require someone else to make the art-work for me (such as crates with robots). And even then, I still have a hard time understanding how Paladin's code works, so I wouldn't dare trying to copy his work for other objects... YET! It's BIG!!!

In these packing stations, I only changed the prices of the crates. And since one of the original files isn't touched (and thus not included in my mod), one would still need to get the original, which *you* already have Wink

I *have* had other questions like this, tho... for the toy-bench goods, for example... Crate of bricks Wink


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