BO - Simulated Sales

When your sim runs a shop, normally all kinds of sims come in there, buying stuff. Good, because that's what a shop is for. Running a shop wouldn't help you much if there were no customers.
However, all those playable sims from other households you play, all buy stuff which they often don't need at all. Of course, you could sell that stuff from inventory (except clothing/jewelry, which doesn't show up anywhere), but they'll still lose money. At the same time, all kinds of townies collect objects which they actually don't pay for (no worries, the shopkeeper still gets paid) so when you have one of them move in with some playable, you get all that free stuff to sell again! (seems like fraud to me).
Fortunately, Squinge (or The Dork) made a mod - shopnosaveitem - which at least solves the issue for playables. That still doesn't stop townie-fraud, though. So I adapted his strategy! From now on, only SELECTABLE sims (that means sims from the household you're playing) will actually keep the stuff they buy. ALL others will only simulate their purchases, while the shopkeeper still sells everything for real.
NOTE: Obviously, this should NOT be used together with Squinge's mod...They conflict and only one of them will work: that one that loads last!
UPDATE Feb 17, 2011: In some cases, an error was thrown right after a customer had paid their bill. This was due to a PHAIL on my part. I've now corrected this issue. Re-download is recommended.
Credits: Thanks go to Squinge, for the original shopnosaveitem.
However, all those playable sims from other households you play, all buy stuff which they often don't need at all. Of course, you could sell that stuff from inventory (except clothing/jewelry, which doesn't show up anywhere), but they'll still lose money. At the same time, all kinds of townies collect objects which they actually don't pay for (no worries, the shopkeeper still gets paid) so when you have one of them move in with some playable, you get all that free stuff to sell again! (seems like fraud to me).
Fortunately, Squinge (or The Dork) made a mod - shopnosaveitem - which at least solves the issue for playables. That still doesn't stop townie-fraud, though. So I adapted his strategy! From now on, only SELECTABLE sims (that means sims from the household you're playing) will actually keep the stuff they buy. ALL others will only simulate their purchases, while the shopkeeper still sells everything for real.
NOTE: Obviously, this should NOT be used together with Squinge's mod...They conflict and only one of them will work: that one that loads last!
UPDATE Feb 17, 2011: In some cases, an error was thrown right after a customer had paid their bill. This was due to a PHAIL on my part. I've now corrected this issue. Re-download is recommended.
Credits: Thanks go to Squinge, for the original shopnosaveitem.
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File Name BO - Simulated | # of Downloads 2,690
File Updated 17-02-2011
File Updated 17-02-2011
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Awwww. Yet another fraud opportunity stomped upon. Well, its not compulsory to have the mod, though I see that indeed it makes things a tad - easy. Hmm.
Also, I see on the no-saveitem link you posted that the original squinge mod conflicted with this:
OFB_nobagthrowing.package - will yours conflict or is it based on the updated version?
Also, I see on the no-saveitem link you posted that the original squinge mod conflicted with this:
OFB_nobagthrowing.package - will yours conflict or is it based on the updated version?
I will work on the nobagthrowing version later. In fact, I only did this one, because I needed its technology for the SS Auto Cash Register... 
I don't use nobagthrowing, myself, because with the ACR that's hardly going to happen anyway. And when it's ever going to happen, I actually think that it should be like that (if the shopkeeper can't prevent it, they shouldn't have a shop in the first place
), but I do take requests

I don't use nobagthrowing, myself, because with the ACR that's hardly going to happen anyway. And when it's ever going to happen, I actually think that it should be like that (if the shopkeeper can't prevent it, they shouldn't have a shop in the first place

I discovered that under certain circumstances an error was thrown. That was MY fault, for which I apologise. I've now corrected that issue, and advise re-download.