• Mauritania Three Tile Door
  • Uploader:
sims2 #1
I made these doors after I got a request for them from BoilingOil.

Pffff, you say. They look JUST LIKE those Mauritania doors I already have in my downloads folder. What makes them special? Well, they are single storey double doors that centre on 3 tiles, and I think they are pretty unique.

What are they for? Well, in the pics I have the doors centred on a one tile porch step. Often, if I want to get a certain look for a house I have to "build round" the game limitations - not being able to centre a two tile door is was one of those limitations.

Are they perfect? Well no..... They only centre on THREE tiles in the straight version. On the diagonal they use the two tile meshes from the original Mauritania set. This is because a diagonal wall is a lot wider than a straight wall, and it just looked stupid stretched over a three tile diagonal.

Prices and recolour options
Double door on Three tiles 560 simoleons
Double door with Transom on Three Tiles 590 simoleons
Repositoried to the original Mauritania door - any recolours of that door that you have in your downloads folder will also work on these doors.

Poly Counts
Double door on Three tiles 1172 polys
Double door with Transom on Three Tiles 1484

There are two files attached to this upload - the three tile doors and the diagonals. If you already have the Mauritania Set from MTS then you will not need the diagonals.

More Stuff
You can get the matching arches over on MTS Matching Mauritania Arches

x 25

Please do:
  • Include my objects in your lots
  • Use the objects etc in pictures/machinima/stories
  • Let me know if you recolour one of my items so I can post a link in the upload thread.
Please don't:
  • Share the files as downloads
  • Include my meshes with your recolours unless you ask me first.

You can ask me HERE

Mauritania Three Tile Door Screenshot Mauritania Three Tile Door Screenshot          
Download link
Filesize 58.45 KB | File Name Three_Tiled_Mauritania_Doors.rar | # of Downloads 1,790  
Filesize 51.42 KB | File Name Diagonal doors.rar | # of Downloads 1,329  
#2 27-02-2011
Oh, I love this idea, can you tell me where I can get the windows as well; also can I recolour it?

#3 27-02-2011
The windows and doors are both on MTS - feel free to recolour - you need to recolour the original mauritania door - its the master object for all of it.

Link to the original set

There are a LOT of recolours for this door

Here is a set:


#4 27-02-2011
* BoilingOil grabs this download and excitedly shouts "MY DOOR!! There's my door!! Thank you, Lee! It's wonderful!"

Big Grin


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