• Big Entrance Windows
  • Uploader:
sims2 #1
No, I have not forgotten about TS2 - I play it more than TS3. Anyway, I got a request for these windows from Gulhare over on MTS, and I may post them there too, but here they are on LeeFish first. A remesh of the Base Game window these are repository linked and satisfyingly grungy.

Its a Counter Height and a Privacy Window to match the base game "Gone Legit" set. These windows are BIG - be warned, they will dwarf your furniture.

HugeLunatic has also done some expansions of these - check them out http://sims2artists.com/index.php?topic=2707.0

Prices and Recolour Options

Counter height = 110 simoleons, Privacy 60 simoleons
These are repository windows and so will pick up any recolours of the originals you may have in your DLs folder.

Polygon Counts
Counter - 468
Privacy - 250

NO EPs required - BASE GAME
You will need to have the straight and diagonal version in your Downloads folder for these to work

Tools used
SimPE, Milkshape.
x 25

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  • Include my objects in your lots
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  • Let me know if you recolour one of my items so I can post a link in the upload thread.
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  • Share the files as downloads
  • Include my meshes with your recolours unless you ask me first.

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Big Entrance  Windows Screenshot Big Entrance  Windows Screenshot          
Download link
Filesize 47.04 KB | File Name Big Entrance.rar | # of Downloads 2,933  
#2 05-04-2010
These are great additions to the set- small windows are always usable Smile

#3 21-04-2010
  • Guest
What a great addition. Thank you.

#4 21-04-2010
  • Guest
Gosh, now I have an idea -- I am always looking for windows with a lower position in the wall -- those windows would look great with their topses brought down. Anyway, thank you! I love having the barred windows.

Lucy Kemnitzer


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