• Bubbly: A Lipgloss for the Kiddies
  • Uploader:
sims3 #1
And once again I present another lipgloss for the children. This is another simple lipgloss composed of three recolorable channels.

If you want the sheer/glossy effect (as pictured below) then you'll want to color the outer most edges of the lipstick a light skin tone color. Otherwise, you can go crazy with the color combinations!

[Image: attachment-4.jpg]

Bubbly Lipgloss is for child females only.
x 4

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Bubbly: A Lipgloss for the Kiddies Screenshot Bubbly: A Lipgloss for the Kiddies Screenshot Bubbly: A Lipgloss for the Kiddies Screenshot Bubbly: A Lipgloss for the Kiddies Screenshot      
Download link
Filesize 816.5 KB | File Name dal_cf_bubblylipbalm.rar | # of Downloads 210  
#2 13-09-2010
This is super cute - am surprised does not get more downloads.


Sorry, that is a members only option